Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Drop Spot {Organization}

Hello Hello! Hope everyone had a restful weekend! I managed to get a little rest in between my projects. I am excited to share a few updates with you this week.

Last week I walked into the kitchen and was blinded by this:

Yes this seems to be the spot where we drop just about anything and everything. By the end of the week it ends up looking like the picture above x 10! (I spare you the really BAD pics....your welcome)

If you remember my post about my latest organization finds, I found some great Nate Berkus office organization at our local Target store. Well... I went back this week and bought these little beauties:

I could not stand the corner of the kitchen in such disarray anymore!

So for only $20, I have an organized drop spot!!

I placed all the little items that we need to grab quickly in the bottom drawer like: Stamps, address labels, bank deposit slips, office supplies and our headphones for the gym!

I also reused an old video tape case to organize all the paperclips that were once just thrown into the drawer. Isn't it amazing what you can find around your home?

I even tackled the Junk Drawer below. I seriously have been throwing things in this drawer for about 5 years! I would say that is a little embarrassing, but we are all friends right? I show you show me yours :)

I used my friend Jen from IHeartOrganizing's idea with using what you have around the house, like cereal boxes! I cut them down to fit in the drawer and now they house some of my everyday random items. Jen's were of course a little cuter than mine, but I didn't have the patience to wrap mine in cute paper. Maybe someday..

So what do you think? I actually know where everything is and I don't have to dig in the drawer or below piles anymore! (well, for at least this week)

What have you been organizing lately! Do share!

Linked up at IHeartOrganizing & Thrifty Decor Chick & Homestoriesatoz

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Colorful {Etsy} Artwork for Kids Rooms

Don't you love just browsing around Etsy? I sure do! There are so many amazing artists and DIYers out there. I recently came across an artist that does some colorful illustrations. I think they would be fabulous in a Kid's bedroom or bathroom.

How fun and Quirky are these prints from Twoems on Etsy!?
Seriously check her site out because there are many more to choose from!

Which one is your favorite!?

Monday, January 21, 2013

For the Love of....

Mint & Gold

I haven't posted about color combinations in so long and then I can across some mint and gold gorgeousness. Can you tell I am longing for Spring? It will be in the 60's today and this color combination makes me want to strut around in my mint pants with some gold bangles and earings.

source unknown

source uknown

What color combos are you crushing on lately? Click HERE for more ideas. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

{No Sew} Faux Roman Shade

Well I did it...I actually tried one of my "pins" on Pinterest and created something I probably wouldn't have without the lovely and addicting Pinterest!!

I created a new little Faux Roman Shade for above the sink in my kitchen. I needed a change from the same ole plain valence. I found these wonderful instructions HERE. These directions were great and easy to follow. So if I start getting confusing with my directions, make sure you go and click the above link! 

I was so excited to get started that I didn't even bother to take the old hardware off the wall....oopps! The lighting has also been awful this week due to blah weather, so sorry for the lame pics! I will try and get some better ones up asap!

To make the Faux Roman Shade you will need:

*Fabric of your choice. I only used one yard for this window. You will have to measure to see.
*Stitch Witchery
*3 small tension rods (found mine at Target)
*Fabric Scissors

First measure your window (mine was 34"w x 36"l). I cut my fabric to leave a half of an inch on either side (width). It doesn't matter how long the fabric is because you can always trim it once in place if need be. (Adjustment: I would leave an inch on either side)

Then Iron the whole fabric so it will be neatly pressed.

Next, you flip the fabric over so the right sides are face down on the ironing board. Then start cutting pieces of the stitch witchery and lay it right along the edges of each side. 

Next you turn the wrong side of the fabric over the stitch witchery and press with a hot iron. Make sure you can't see any of the stitch witchery because if your iron hits that will stick like crazy!

Once your fabric has all sides edged you take the top of your fabric and bring it down to the bottom of your fabric with wrong sides together. Use another pieces of stitch witchery to stick those together. You should now have one big loop of fabric. (sorry forgot to take a pic)

Now...take one of the tension rods and feed it through the fabric so the seam is at the bottom hanging down.

Fabric should have the right sides facing out like you want to see on your window.

Place the first rod in place with fabric hanging down your window. Then add the second tension rod in front of the fabric. Loop the fabric over that rod. Then do the same with the third rod.

Adjust as you may...then you should have a  pretty little window treatment like so:

Once I measured the window, this project really only took me like 30 minutes!! You can tell in a couple of my pictures that you can see the tension rods just a bit. I probably should have allowed for a little more fabric on each side so that when I turned the sides under with the stitch witchery the edges would have come all the way to touch the window frames.

I might just add a little trim to the sides one of these days. Over all a cheap and easy project! I am glad I tried my hand at something new!

Not to shabby...what do you think? Have you ever tried something on Pinterest and it worked or was it an utter failure!?

If you aren't following me on Pinterest, then shame on you! (just kidding of course)

Linked at: ThriftyDecor Chick

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Storage Finds {Target & HomeGoods}

I had a little break between appointments yesterday and decided to stop off at a couple of stores to see what was new and fresh! (and what I was missing out on) I really haven't been shopping since Christmas, so I was excited to have the time to browse.

The first store I hit was can never go wrong (and can never leave without spending something)! I was touring the store for some good organization and storage solutions. Even though I absolutely LOVE The Container Store, I am really trying to keep my budget down in 2013 and find other storage solutions.

Who else always starts in the $1 section at Target!?? You can find some great ideas for a Fab price! I love these little metal buckets. They would be great for kids craft supplies or even an office space. Why not use the chalk label bucket to organize items in your pantry or linen closet?

My next stop is always the wrapping section. I know...weird right? But look at what I discovered. These wonderful boxes for a great price! These little beauties would be perfect for a master closet or little girls room! The possibilities are endless.

I still love me some chevron...don't care what anyone says. Especially in black and white! You could use these in any room of the house to organize magazines, toys, gloves, hats or school supplies.

These plastic tubs are wonderful! I have two of them that house my niece and nephew's toys. I have also used them for ice and drinks for summer parties at a nearby park. 

sorry pic is blurry

I saw these canvas bins and baskets a couple of weeks ago. They are fantastic for linen closets or laundry spaces like mine

I also used these plastic weave baskets in my laundry closet makeover last year. I had many compliments on these and where to find them....well they are back and so useful!

I then headed to the office supplies. I thought these little canvas drawers would be great in the Hub's office. They could help him organize all of his supplies and/or cords to electronics. 

Oh favorite find of the day. Did you know that Nate Berkus now has his own office line? Well...if it ain't Martha...Nate is the next best thing! I think they just came out with it this week because the shelves were stocked and I can't find any of these items online. I do love those gold and white striped cork and white boards. Aren't they fabulous? I can feel a DIY coming on. 

My next stop was HomeGoods. Doesn't that place just make you Happy!? And how about these great cabinets in bright colors. For only $129!! They would be great in an office or entryway. They would give a little punch to a boring space. 

Now...this leather ottoman is a great find. If my brother wasn't already building me a coffee table, I would have jumped on this. It has an ample amount of storage space for whatever! I know it is hard to see in the picture, but there is also a removable tray where you could store remotes, DVDs or Candy! It was a great soft linen color. Not bright white like the picture shows. Someone please go and buy it!!

Lots of Colors! These hangers are the Huggable kind. They are very thin, but durable. You can fit more clothes in your closet because they really save on space. I might have to try using these in my closet makeover. We need all the help we can get!

So what caught your eye? What are you going to run out and buy right now to help you with your 2013 organizing goals?

Happy Organizing!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Home Office Plan

Last week I gave you a little peak into my New Years Decorating Goals. While I work on many projects at once (I may or may not have a little DIY ADD), I needed to have a plan for each space. The first space that I am working on is our Home Office or aka My Husbands Office. He is the one that spends the most time in here since we work from home fairly often.

Many of you remember this painfully embarrassing before picture:

There is really NO character in this space at all. Who would want to work in here?

I have started to get a feel for how I want to proceed with this project. Take a look at my mood board below:
I am thinking a neutral design with a few pops of color within the artwork and accessories. I want it to be a masculine space with a library feel.

As you can see from this picture. I have started adding some pops of color by color coordinating ALL of his books. It sure feels like a library with all of the books he has collected over the years!

So here's the breakdown for the Home Office Project:

*Make Roman Shade for Window
*Paint Desk
*Get Glass cut for top of desk
*Add a rug that has some texture (ex: Cowhide)
*Create Reading corner with chair & lighting
*Paint White Board on Wall behind door (yes..he wants a BIG white board)
*Add color with accessories
*Find a way to hide all of those hideous cords

I am up for the challenge! Watcha all say??
Please wish me luck!

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