Monday, January 28, 2013

Our Drop Spot {Organization}

Hello Hello! Hope everyone had a restful weekend! I managed to get a little rest in between my projects. I am excited to share a few updates with you this week.

Last week I walked into the kitchen and was blinded by this:

Yes this seems to be the spot where we drop just about anything and everything. By the end of the week it ends up looking like the picture above x 10! (I spare you the really BAD pics....your welcome)

If you remember my post about my latest organization finds, I found some great Nate Berkus office organization at our local Target store. Well... I went back this week and bought these little beauties:

I could not stand the corner of the kitchen in such disarray anymore!

So for only $20, I have an organized drop spot!!

I placed all the little items that we need to grab quickly in the bottom drawer like: Stamps, address labels, bank deposit slips, office supplies and our headphones for the gym!

I also reused an old video tape case to organize all the paperclips that were once just thrown into the drawer. Isn't it amazing what you can find around your home?

I even tackled the Junk Drawer below. I seriously have been throwing things in this drawer for about 5 years! I would say that is a little embarrassing, but we are all friends right? I show you show me yours :)

I used my friend Jen from IHeartOrganizing's idea with using what you have around the house, like cereal boxes! I cut them down to fit in the drawer and now they house some of my everyday random items. Jen's were of course a little cuter than mine, but I didn't have the patience to wrap mine in cute paper. Maybe someday..

So what do you think? I actually know where everything is and I don't have to dig in the drawer or below piles anymore! (well, for at least this week)

What have you been organizing lately! Do share!

Linked up at IHeartOrganizing & Thrifty Decor Chick & Homestoriesatoz


  1. Love it! Our drop spot is on the kitchen island. Ugh. It makes me want to scream every. single. day.

    1. It is so hard to keep up with paperwork! We will see how long our little organized spot lasts!

  2. I love what you did! We have a similar spot in our kitchen too. I may have to tweak how we organize ours as well.

    1. Thanks Erika! It sure makes a difference organizing just a small area of the home. I think I completed the little task in about an hour! Good luck with your organizing!

  3. I love your ideas. I am about to tackle my kitchen corner as well. Your success is motivating!

  4. Bought the exact one! Love it, thank you for sharing!!!

    1. Wonderful! Hope you are putting yours to good use too!

  5. You are an inspiration! Seriously. I love reading your posts. :D

  6. Oooh la la! That drawer has my name written all over it! So chic! And I love how much extra storage it gave you! <3



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