Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reader's Question: Toy Organization in a small space

Last week I was reading through my facebook page and came across a reader who asked this question:
"I need organizing tips. While renovating and being pregnant we have no space to make playroom for the boss man. Any suggestions for keeping his toys organized in my living room?"

She also sent me a picture of the toy area in her living space:
Sorry not a great pic from her phone.

Normally I tell everyone to go with Ikea's Expedit shelves like these

They are great to organize everything! I have one in our closet at home and also a very large 5x5 cubby in our home office. BUT...she doesn't have that much space in that corner. 

So here are some better options that she could get at her local stores.

1. Home Depot Storage Bench: Would be helpful if you need some extra seating as well. There are small little shelves directly underneath the seat for books and then you could store away some toys in canvas bins below.  http://www.homedepot.com/Storage-Organization-Closet-Storage-Cube-Storage/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc1wy/R-202040744/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051#.UOsTvm872Ag

2. Home Depot Cube Storage: This one is similar to the ikea storage except it is a little smaller and might fit her corner space better. They have a six or nine cube shelf unit. These can be mounted vertically or horizontal depending on the space needed.  http://www.homedepot.com/Storage-Organization-Closet-Storage-Cube-Storage/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc1wy/R-202040803/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051&superSkuId=202858034#.UOsT2W872Ag

3. Home Depot Fabric Cube Drawers: Here is an example of what the storage drawers look like. They come in a range of colors to coordinate with your living area. http://www.homedepot.com/Storage-Organization-Closet-Storage-Cube-Storage/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc1wy/R-203616074/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051#.UOsUEm872Ag

4. Target Cube Storage: Target also has similar products with kid friendly colors. However, this one is only an online product, they don't have them in store. http://www.target.com/p/riverridge-kids-6-bins-storage-unit-espresso/-/A-11300498#prodSlot=large_8_25

5. Spice Rack book shelves: I know this is a little odd, but if you go and find some wooden spice racks and spray paint them a color, you could use them to store some books.  You can also get these at ikea for only $3.99. Aren't they adorable? http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/40070185/

6. Target Pocket file for books: This might also be a cheap option to store some books against a wall at a child's reach. http://www.target.com/p/real-simple-pocket-file-and-organizer-8-5x11/-/A-13533166#prodSlot=medium_1_14&term=file

7. Martha Stewart Stack boxes: The coffee table in the before picture was debatable she said. If she were to keep it there she could always use some organization for paper & crayons and create a craft nook. I know that Martha Stewart has some great little drawer and file organizers that she could put on top to store art products and they come in a few colors. http://www.staples.com/Martha-Stewart-Home-Office-with-Avery-StackFit-Shagreen-Inboxes/product_SS1063534

The picture below gives my reader an idea on how she could label the bins and baskets in order to keep the toys organized in that small corner. You can use clip art from your own computer and paste it on some card stock.  I am also thinking that if she decides to keep the coffee table in that corner for the time being, that two large baskets with labels would be another fantastic place for more toys! They would be tucked away neatly below the craft area. 

These are just a few basic products I recommended that would hide some of her son's toys, but also keep them accessible and help momma from going insane! 

For those of you with kiddos...how do you organize all of their toys yet keep a neatly decorated home?


  1. Great ideas Amy, I can also use these for organizing in my craft room! Thanks!

    1. Yes! There are so many organization ideas that can be used throughout the home! Good luck organizing!


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