Monday, January 20, 2014

Master Bathroom Updates {Paint & Cabinets}

Hello Hello! Are you all awake today? I am trying to be was one of those mornings where I woke up and thought it was still the weekend. Yeah...bad, really bad!

Anyway, I am pumped to finally be able to share some house progress with you this week. I am slowly chipping away at some of my New Years Goals from this year and last! (Yep..didn't finish some of 2013 house goals yet.) So hard to find the time to get items checked off your list, isn't it? Well lets work together this year to accomplish some amazing goals! You with me?

Today I am excited to share a little progress in our master bathroom. First, I will give you a couple before pictures so you can see where it is evolving from. We still have a long way to go, but paint on the walls and vanity has done wonders!

 Ya know...this bathroom was nothing horrible, just needed a little character. The walls were the builder beige/yellow color and the vanity was a maple color. I just felt like it didn't reflect my personality at all. Every time I would take a bath, I would look around and wish for a relaxing space.

What we have done so far:
We painted the vanity Urbane Bronze by Sherwin Williams and the walls Shoji White by Sherwin Williams. Both colors are on the same paint chip and blend really well in this space. The white is a warmer white which has created that relaxing feeling I was aiming for. It doesn't feel cold at all and the vanity has really made that statement I was going for. A little bold, but classy.

Here are a few progress pictures for you:

Some of you may remember my love for oriental rugs in the bathroom. I didn't want to splurge knowing that it would get wet on a daily basis, but really wanted to add that element to the bathroom. So I found this lovely at HomeGoods for $39! I was so excited and I think it works well bringing in a little color to the neutral bathroom.

I am pretty excited to see this bathroom slowly coming together. Isn't it amazing what a little paint can do?
Next on our list will be to tackle the little corner where the toilet sits. This half wall separates the tub and toilet. I would like to add some sort of artwork to the large wall. It would be a fun piece that would be seen immediately as you walk in. I would also like to add some floating shelves above the toilet for some extra storage.

Not sure when this will happen, but I would like to install some white subway tile around the tub to add that classy/timeless element into this space.

I am not in love with the vanity hardware, but I think it will stay for now. Since we will live in this house for only a couple of more years and then rent it, I really don't want to splurge on the hardware I really want! I will save that for our next space.

So what do you all think? Are you liking the dark cabinet trend as much as I am right now?

Hope to have more updates in a couple of weeks. Have a fabulous day my friends!

Linked up at: Liz Marie Blog


  1. I painted all of our bathroom cabinets a rich dark chocolate color years ago (who knew it would become a trend?). I love them still!! Love the updates you've made.

    1. You were cool before you knew it! HA! Yes..I am loving the change. We are getting there!

  2. Great cabinet color! Looking good :)

    1. Thanks so much Emily! You were the one that inspired me to go for Urbane Bronze!

  3. Just painted a room in my new house Shonji white! Love it!!!

    1. Isn't it amazing! I want to paint my whole house this color.

  4. I just love it! Do you happen to recall what brand/style of faucet you have on the tub?

    1. All of our fixtures are from Moen, but I don't know the style name.

  5. I know what you mean about wanting a relaxing space when you have a bath! I think that new paint colour and rug have already made a big change. I want to add subway tiles into our bathroom so super excited to see how your makeover goes!

    1. Thanks Sammi! I am enjoying it so far. Loving just the small changes without spending a lot of money.


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