Monday, October 3, 2011

Eat. Sleep. Decorate.- 1st GIVEAWAY!

It is Monday! Back to the was everyone's weekend? In case you didn't guess from my hint on Friday, this is what the Hub's and I were up to this weekend:

{This was very much the beginning stage!}

I can't wait to share the finished product sometime this week. We are working on the finishing touches tonight and tomorrow.

Okay.....on to the exciting part of this post today. It is Eat Sleep Decorate's first Giveaway! I decided I needed to celebrate my new blog design. And who better to help me celebrate than my mother-in-law, Barb!

Barb is an amazing sewer. She has been sewing and creating since she was a little girl. She has made me many fantastic bags, table runners, pillows, curtains, quilts, etc. Whenever I come up with an idea, she runs with it and says "no problem!" I really don't think there is anything she CAN'T sew!

She started designing her own bags over the past couple of years and is now creating patterns for Quilt Woman. Her patterns are just fabulous and easy enough for the average sewer to try! (believe me)

Here are a few of Barb's fantastic bags that were made directly from her pattern designs:



Barb is giving away one of her designs to a lucky follower of Eat Sleep Decorate!

To enter for the giveaway, follow any of the terms below and recieve an entry for each item completed:
1. Comment on this post and tell me which bag is your favorite.
2. Follow Eat Sleep Decorate on the right column
3. Follow me on Twitter.
4. Leave me a Tweet

**Remember if you comment anonymously or you have a private blog, please include your email address in each entry, and spell it out with “at” and “dot” to avoid any spammy emails coming your way.**

The winner will get to choose from the collection of bags above. The entries are open till Thursday 12noon (EST). The Winner will be announced this Friday!

Please make sure you stop by Quilt Woman to check out Barb's Designs & Patterns.

Best of Luck!


  1. well, sad but true , this may be the only way I will ever get a Barb Original! Now I know it is because she is always sewing stuff for her favorite daughter-in-law!! Favorite one - the small Cape Cod - I love the smaller holes because they are smaller and don't detract from the fabric or look of the bag - they are more a function of the bag and not a feature - also if it is THAT fabric in particular it reminds me of fall in the south - the colors of our season may be changing to the darker reds and browns and yet we still have these beautiful accents of flowers! Love what you are doing Amy - keep it up!

  2. HI Amy! Love the Blog. My favorite is BH101 (the first one) I just love the print and the colors and I am a mommy, so it is big enough to throw a couple of diapers in and a sippy cup and not have to carry a diaper bag :) . What a talented mother in law! Nichole Hackmann

  3. Hi Amy! Your blog is awesome! Thx for sharing your talent with the world! I love the last one-Cape Cod mini bag...really like the pattern on that one!

  4. I like the's a good thing someone is this family can decorate!
    It's Erin by the way, but I can't figure out how in the heck you post a comment on here except by using Chris' account. :)

  5. Hi Amy! I'm enjoying the blog and love all your decorating ideas - want to come to Charlotte and help me with my house? I'll go with you to Ikea! :) My favorite bag is the BH101.

  6. The knot handle reversible tote with a pocket it my favorite! I hope I win!

  7. Hi Amy! I love your blog! It will be a great resource for finding new ideas, etc. I think the Cape Cod Mini Bag with the large grommets is terrific!
    Good luck with everything!

  8. I love these bags & the tile looks great :) Cape Code mini bag would be my fave :)

  9. Erin you crack me up! Cute bags Amy :) I would use it for my diaper bag/purse!


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