Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Watercolor Painting {Before & After}

I heard all of you Northerners are getting slammed with cold and snow again?! I am sending lots of wishes for Spring your way today. Not too much longer...hang in there or move to NC!

Today we are talking watercolor paintings. You all know my new favorite App, but for the real deal you need to stop on over to see my friend Michelle. I found her through Etsy when I was scouting out artists to paint a picture for my parents for a Christmas gift. She mostly paints house portraits, but you can see she is amazing at wildlife portraits as well as garden paintings.

I love the detail she brings to each painting. They are so lifelike that I feel as though I am right in front of the homes!

So for Christmas I had Michelle paint my childhood lake home. Before my parents moved from NY, they had to sell our cottage which my grandparents had built when I was just three years old. It was a wonderful place filled with so many memories. Since then new owners have knocked down the original place and built their million dollar home. Nice for them, sad for us. But at least my parents now live a mile from me here in NC where we can make many more memories! It was a blessing in disguise.

I sent Michelle the following three pictures of our cottage:

I told her a few details like how there were always towels and swimsuits hanging over the upper railing, green Adirondack chairs sat near the lake where we would often have campfires at night, blackberry bushes adorned the front of the home and a table with an umbrella to the left part of the deck was where there were many family dinners and conversations.

And here is the amazing after:

Every detail was placed exactly where I remembered it! It makes me miss my cottage so much. I am so very blessed to have wonderful memories and each time I walk past this painting in my parent's kitchen, I can't help but stop and smile.

Do you have a place like this that is close to your heart?

Great News!! Michelle is giving Eat.Sleep.Decorate. reader's 10% off any print or custom painting now through April 17th! Just use Code: EATSLEEPDECORATE at checkout! 

Wouldn't these make great mother's day or father's day gifts??

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday Treats #11 {Spring Inspired}

Well we made it to another day folks! Who else is ready for Spring weather? We had more ice last night and schools are either delayed or canceled again today. Who would have thought this much cold weather in NC this year?

So to inspire us and not get us discouraged (because we know Spring IS COMING), let's take a look at my Tuesday Treats....

#1: Spring Party Collection at Target
Oh Joy is an amazing inspiration blog. She writes about entertaining ideas and her home is fabulous and full of fun and color! She just launched her party collection over at Target this week. You will absolutely be inspired to throw a garden party or spring party! Take a look Here.

#2: Free Spring Essentials Printable
Do you remember that adorable Fall Printable that Emily created? Well she just finished her Spring design and I have to say...it is one of my favorites! You can download and print from Here. You can also find her other printables when you sign up Here.

#3: What's Your Spring Style?
Take this Quiz from Lonny to find out your Spring Style! I took the quiz and got "Prom Queen". I always knew I would be a fabulous prom queen! Ha! This is what the quiz said about me....

"When "matching" came back in, you threw a party—cocktail attire required, of course. You revel in a sense of occasion, and never met a dog statue or chandelier (be it Sputnik or crystal) that you didn’t like. Still, you've got a few new decorating tricks up your sleeve: these days, you’re mixing brighter ’80s-inspired colors with those pastel hues and experimenting with black-and-white dazzle camo to make that tufted headboard look especially fresh. "

In the clique: Celerie Kemble
Your new best friend: Less-done animal prints (as in dalmatian).

#4: Spring/Summer Hat Inspiration
I have never met a hat that I didn't like! I have a lot of hats and wear them all at different times of the year. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw the picture below while I was at the beach last week. I picked up that adorable beauty for only $5 at the local discount store. I have been more conscious lately about wearing hats while out in the sun. I want to preserve this face for as long as possible. I am already seeing some sun spots and signs of aging. 
If you are getting ready for the spring and summer outdoors then click on the links below and get yourself a fabulous hat!! You deserve it and so does your skin!

#5: Outdoor Spaces
I am sure that all of you are dreaming of your outdoor spaces this week. I am in love with the porch below with its' minty green ceiling and fabulous swing. Doesn't it look like a great place to read a book and sip some tea? I am right there with ya! I have a great board on pinterest called Outdoor Spaces. I love getting inspired for the warmer weather just by going back to that board over and over again. 

Make sure you have a countdown to warmer weather...wherever you may live! It will keep you motivated! If you decide to take the Lonny quiz, leave me a message telling me what your Spring Style is! I would love to know!

Have a marvelous day my friends! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

A "Pinch" of Green {Color Inspiration}

Happy St. Patty's Day All! The Hubs and I usually go out and have a green beer or two just for fun, but this year is going to be BORING! We have appointments till late tonight for work, so we will have to celebrate a different day. (At least I painted my nails green so I won't get pinched!)

I am a huge fan of the color green and not just because it is St. Patrick's Day.  In fact, I believe it is my favorite color. I don't have a lot of green in my home, but somehow I feel connected to that color because it reminds me of the outdoors. I love how nature gives us so many shades of green to inspire us. Don't you?

I am not one to overwhelm myself with the color green, but instead add a touch or a "pinch" of green here and there throughout my spaces. I think these inspirational pictures will give you an idea how to add touches of green without going overboard.

What are your thoughts on the color green? Have you added a splash of it somewhere in your home or are you the bold one that has painted a whole wall, cabinet or room?

Monday, March 10, 2014

My Weekend

Did you all survive the hour less of sleep this weekend? I felt great yesterday, but seem to be dragging a bit today...hence the late post!

I really had a nice weekend and enjoyed getting a few things accomplished and spent some much needed time with my family.

I was able to check up on the flip house this weekend. (before pics Here) Most of the rooms have been primed and painted. You can see our cabinets are drying in the living room at the moment.

We also met with the flooring guy and granite guy. Hoping to finish making some decisions on both of those this week!

I got myself out of bed bright and early for a warehouse sale in North Raleigh on Saturday. If you live in the area and are looking for some one of a kind vintage pieces, you need to visit my friend Emily! She is the master of hunting for amazing finds at auctions! I had been eyeing a certain dresser Emily had posted on her FB page last week (not the one I talked about here). There was a lot of interest, so I knew I had to be there before they opened. I was the first one in the door and was able to grab my loot! That never happens. Usually the items I want are gone before I get there.

This beauty came home with me and I can't wait to share with you my plans for her!

I also picked up this fantastic crystal and gold candy jar. I just "had" to have her.

Here are some more of Emily's fantastic items that were in her shop:
Fabulous glam lamps, a great chair to upholster in your own style & a pair of vintage gazelle bookends!

Neat mid-century clock, another chair with great lines & beautiful mirrors in all shapes & sizes!

Saturday night was family time. We spent the evening at my brother's house hanging with my neice an nephew. They are getting so big and are such great kids.
I found these two sitting and chatting on the front porch...what a priceless pictures!

My dad and My nephew

This girl loves her Uncle John. She can do no wrong in his eyes. We are in trouble if we adopt a girl!

The Hubs & My niece 

To end our weekend and begin our week, we are looking at this view for a couple of days:

Working from home has its perks, but we needed to get out of the house and work seaside this week. It is going to be 70 degrees here today and you bet that when I am done writing this post and finished putting bids in on some new flip homes, I will be soaking up the rays.

Hope you have a delightful start to your week!

P.S. Don't forget there are only 3 more days left to enter the Arrow & Sage Giveaway!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ready for Spring {+ A Giveaway}

I don't know about you, but I am ready for some warmer weather and the chance to get outside and plant some beautiful flowers! I so enjoy digging in the dirt. It is very therapeutic for me. I love seeing the fruits of my labor grow and enjoy going out in the garden to pick a fresh tomato for dinner. There is nothing better!

A few weeks ago I met a friend (who is seriously the Garden Queen ya'll) for lunch and had a chat about life, blogging and her new Etsy Shop Arrow & Sage! Anna is one of the most talented and creative people I know. Not only does she have a creative eye for photography and gardening, but she also creates gorgeous one of a kind pottery pieces.

Aren't they all just beautiful!? Her prices are also amazing! So if you see something that catches your eye..you better move quickly! She also does custom orders. You can see more of her pottery for sale HERE. And you can follow her website and blog HERE. She gives great tips for gardening and fabulous inspiration on how to decorate your home using her pottery pieces. 

This spring she will even be selling her famous succulent frames. These are a favorite for sure! 

Anna is not only talented but she is such a beautiful person inside and out. She has also graciously decided to give one of my lucky readers a set of 4 garden markers to get you excited for Spring! You can have your choice of color as well as a choice of plant names for your markers.

Colors: One- Light, Two- Desert Sage, Three- Light Blue, Four- Mocha

I am so very excited about this giveaway! It will run through next Thursday (3/13) and the winner will be announced on Friday March 14th! 

To Enter, follow the Rafflecopter Rules:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck! Hope you win! Be sure to stop on over to Arrow & Sage and say hello to Anna!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Two Toned Dresser Inspiration for the Nursery

If you all follow me on Instagram, you know that I was debating on buying a dresser last week. It isn't a new dresser, but an antique six drawer mid-century dresser for our nursery. I measured, went home and measured and then decided it was perfect and at $150 I couldn't resist!

It is in really good shape, but needs a little sanding on the top from minor scratches. I love the look as is, but am thinking I need to brighten this piece up for the nursery. Have you seen pictures of two toned dressers around on pinterest and other blogs? Well I have and the more I see them, the more I like the idea.

source unknown

What do you all think about painting the dresser two toned? Which inspiration picture was your favorite?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday Treats #10 {Academy Awards Style}

Did you all watch the Academy Awards this weekend? I actually got to sit down with a martini and watch all of the red carpet and most of the awards. After two martini's I just wasn't able to stay awake any longer! (I know I am a weakling these days.)

This week's Tuesday Treats is devoted to the Academy Awards. So if you missed the fun and entertaining show on Sunday, I will try and catch you up with the deets!

1. It wasn't a surprise that Matthew McConaughey won best Actor, but I was surprised by his amazing acceptance speech.  It was one of the best I have heard in a long time. He also ended it with his famous "All right, All right, All right" from his first film "Dazed & Confused."

2. Loved  Pharrell's performance of "Happy".  This blog wrote a great post about the things that inspire her and make her happy and I just fell in love with her writing! You must check it out.

3. Ellen DeGeneres was just as hilarious and entertaining as ever! One of my favorite parts of the night was when she ordered pizza and some random delivery boy thought he was delivering pizza for the backstage workers and ended up helping Ellen pass out pieces of pizza to the stars in the audience. Lucky boy..hope he got a big ole tip! And...who can forget the best selfie ever which ended up crashing twitter for a split second!? 

4. Oh the Fashion that hits the red carpet every year! Last year I did a post about interior design that was inspired by the red carpet fashion. That has been one of my favorite posts to date. Here are some of my favorite's from Sunday night:

5. Fashion Quotes...since we are on the topic of fashion and red carpet, I will end with some of my favorite fashion quotes:

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