Monday, March 18, 2013

My Weekend Find {Jewelry Organization}

We are talking thrifty finds today. Do you get jealous when someone finds an unbelievable deal at a thrift store? I DO! I have gone to Habitat Restores, Goodwill and many many thrift stores. I really rarely ever find fabulous deals like most of my friends do. I seem to always be looking for a specific thing and then get discouraged if I can't find that item. Maybe I need to take a different approach and just enjoy looking around, then some fabulous deal with pop right out at me!

I am also not a big collector. I want my house to feel collected overtime, but I don't want knickknacks all over. I am really trying to simplify my life and just put items around my home that have meaning or that I absolutely love and know I will have on display for many years.

Well this past weekend I had a few minutes to waste and popped into a local thrift store here in town. I only got one item....but I am kind of in love with it.

I got this milk glass bowl for $8.00. It is in perfect condition! As soon as I saw it, I knew I had that perfect place where it could be on display. I also knew it could be a functional piece!

I decided to make it into one of my jewelry organizers.  The little decorative loops on the edges are perfect for my earrings and the bowl can hold my frequently used bangles and cuffs.

It is such a simple and cheap way to organize the jewelry that usually gets stuffed into drawers. Now I can put those pieces on display!

Have you found any unbelievable deals at local thrift stores? Do tell!!

Linked up at: LizMarieBlog & ThriftyDecorChick& 504Main & SerenityNow


  1. Yep, I am using an antique silver tray to hold 4 antique small crystal bowls to organize my jewelry on my bathroom vanity. These are all family pieces that I will not part with, and I figured that instead of having them on display in my china cabinet, I should put them to use!!

  2. I am like you...usually unlucky in thrift shopping, though I occasionally score a real "find." Last fall I seemed to be on a good run. Over the course of a month I scored three beautiful tall carved wood pillar candle holders for $25, four complete place settings of Farberware (Holiday Snowmen) for $22, and a white skirted armless chair in perfect condition for $12. Since that run, I have rarely left the thrift stores with anything, but I make a stop at the closest one to me almost every Saturday morning hoping to catch my next perfect bargain.

  3. I never would have thought! It made a perfect jewelry organizer. I too, rarely find anything like others I know. I did get a beautiful vase at an estate sale a couple weeks ago. I couldn't believe it was still there on the last day of the sale, and at 75% off.


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