Monday, March 25, 2013

Jonathan Adler for {JCPenny}

I have been a little under the weather this past week and when I am sick I seem to surf the web to find the most amazing things. I was on pinterest the other day and came across an adorable lamp with the label "Happy Chic" by Jonathan Adler for JCPenny. I was like....what? So I did a little investigating of my own.

Lo and behold Jonathan Adler has designed his own line of Bedding, Furniture, Lights, Rugs & Accessories for JCPenny's!! I can't believe it. JCPenny's has really been on their game lately with fashion at low prices, their tearjerker Commercials and now Jonathan Adler. WAY. TO. GO.!!

You can check out Jonathan Adler's full line HERE. For Jonathan Adler products I would say that they are fairly priced. They still may be a bit outside of my budget, but some of the items I could totally rock in my home.

Below are a few of my favorites from his new line.

What do you think about the "new" JCPenny? Do you shop there? Would you now.... that you know your man Jonathan Adler's line is there?

Happy Happy Monday All!


  1. Wowsers! I've been hearing a lot about this new "JCP" and may have to head over there ASAP! The clothes look decent too!

  2. I want that top bedding picture to be my room!
    Thinking about how I should decorate my dorm room for next year and LOVING that combo!



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