Thursday, February 28, 2013

{Readers Spaces} Organized Homes

It is so wonderful to get emails and comments on how my spaces have inspired someone else. As the new year has started, many of you are getting organized in your homes. Two readers have recently sent me some before and after photos of their organized space. Take a look at their transformations!

Elisabeth was inspired by a redo of My Pantry a few months ago:

Her before.....

Her After

What I love: I love that she used baskets and bins to corral loose items. The aluminum foil and plastic wrap organizer is amazing! (I need to get one..pronto) She also used a small lazy susan for her oils. Her canned goods are organized using the same step shelves as these. I also have some and love that I can see all the canned items on my shelves without moving a million cans before you find the olives! hehe

Thanks Elisabeth for sharing your before and afters! You might have just inspired someone else!


My next Reader was inspired by my Laundry Closet Space. Janet lives in a rental, so she couldn't paint her laundry space, but boy did she do some damage at making it a workable space for her. 

Janet's Before:

Janet's After

Not done but here is where I stopped on Saturday nightGuess what?  My plastic containers were $1 a piece at the dollar tree!  I wanted some cuter/better ones like yours but I will have to add piece by piece over time.  Same with finding decor. Thanks for the inspiration! ~Janet

What I love: Once again I can't stress any more about how important it is to designate baskets and bins for a purpose. Creating a cleaning basket, a basket for light bulbs, extra detergent or rags makes the space more enjoyable to look at. Janet said that her bins were only $1 at the dollar store! I love the green pop! I might need to make my way to dollar tree in the near future. Janet also used a drink dispenser for her detergent. That is genius! I also love how she said she would add pieces over time and find some decor that would work for her. Sometimes when we jump into purchases, we regret them later on. Adding spice and character to your home little by little is what makes it reflect your personality and creates a place that you will love and enjoy!

Thanks Janet for your inspiration!


How great are these spaces? They aren't fancy but they have function and really that is more important when you are living in your home and using each space daily. I think we sometimes forget that our homes need to function for us. Even though magazines and sometimes blogs portray having tidy, glamorous spaces...they are really not realistic in everyday life. I really enjoyed seeing these real spaces! Have these ladies inspired you to get organized in your pantry or laundry space?

If you would like to send in your before and them to!

Have a fabulous day!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Home Decor Inspired by the {Oscars}

Lets be honest....we all pretty much watch the Oscars to see the gowns don't we? It is just like buying a magazine to look at the pictures of all the gorgeous rooms. We don't buy them to read the articles or the advertisements, we just drool over all the fabulous inspiration.

Well last night I was sure inspired by those amazing gowns made by Valentino, Gucci and Couture! I honestly couldn't even tell you who won what award! HA! I decided to give you all a little eye candy this Monday morning to start the week off right! Fashion and Home Decor sure inspire each other with color, glitz and glam.....

Sources here and here

Can Jennifer Aniston ever disappoint? I am a fan of red and her strapless gown was gorgeous!

Sources here and here

I am seeing black, gold and white everywhere lately. In Fashion and Home Decorating! Nicole Kidman is Classy and Glamorous for sure in this color combo!

Sources here and here

Anne Hathaway give us a little glimpse back in time to the Audrey Hepburn era. She is just lovely in this pale pink gown!

Sources here and here

Oh Reese! She looks amazing in everything..even her sweats! Love this royal blue with a touch of black.

Sources here and here

Don't see celebrities wearing banana yellow often, but Jane Fonda pulled out all the stops and looks fabulous!

Sources here and here

Love this white chic gown with touches of black and gray around the train. Beautiful!

Source here and here

I seriously think that Helen Hunt stays the same age. Has she changed at all? She is stunning in this Navy Blue Gown with her golden hair and diamond bling.

Sources here and here

Last but certainly not least is this black lace gown worn by Sandra Bullock. Loving the classy pattern and sheen against her pale skin. Fabulous!

Okay my friends...your turn! Did you watch the Oscars? Which Fashion/Decor combo inspired you the most?

Happy Monday!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Another one bites the dust...

Are you singing along? hehe

I have had a bad cold for a couple of days and haven't had much energy to do much around here. However, that didn't stop me from tackling this guy...

Remember my drawer and drop spot organization a couple of weeks ago? Well the drawer above has also looked like this for about...umm...5 years! I am finally getting around to organizing all of those spots that you just overlook. I mean, I see this drawer everyday but just don't make the time for it.

I bought some really inexpensive drawer organizers at HomeGoods for like less than $10 altogether!!
And presto...

I am feeling much better about my kitchen gadgets and utensils.  Now I don't have to dig around wondering if I am going to get cut by some blade!

So amazing...when you take just 20 minutes to organize a drawer how your whole attitude changes? Are you with me?

Hope everyone is staying healthy. I am sure it is the crazy warm-cold, cold-warm weather that is getting to this house hold. Spring is just around the corner! Can't wait!!

P.S. Did you see my pics on Instagram this past weekend?? (@eatsleepdecor) We got our first Snow in NC! Yipee!

Linked up at: IHeartOrganizing

Friday, February 15, 2013

{Completed} Flip/Investment Home #3

Finished and On the Market!! Yahoo! If you have been following along with this home here & here, you all know that we have only been working on it less than 2 months. It was a cutie that just needed some good lovin...

It is an adorable colonial style home just south of Raleigh. It is walking distance to the local community park and historic downtown area. If you remember the BEFORE pics, you are going to fall over when you see the afters. Be Prepared for a Picture Overload today...

Come On In!!!.....

I think it is quite an adorable place. Here's to hoping it sells quickly!

Check out some before & afters....My Favorite Part of my job!!

Pretty sweet I say!! It wasn't a major demo job, but the face lift did wonders....don't you think??

Exterior Paint Colors: Main Color- Sandy Hook by Benjamin Moore; Shutters & Side doors-Kendall Charcoal by Benjamin Moore; Front Door- Real Red by Sherwin Williams

Interior Paint Colors: Kitchen, Livingroom, Hallways & Guest Bedrooms- Accessible Beige by Sherwin Williams; Master Bedroom- Balanced Beige by Sherwin Williams; Bathrooms- Aloof Gray by Sherwin Williams

Project Breakdown:
*New Roof
*New Deck
*New Railing on Front Porch
*New Exterior & Interior Paint and Trim
*New Appliances
*New Granite Counter top with under mount sink
*New Carpet on Stairway
*Paint Vanity in upstairs bath
*Caulk Tub surrounds
*Build New Fireplace mantel
*Pull out side tree and bushes & add new landscaping
*Replace Bay Window

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Happy Valentine's Day!!

Hope you taking the time to love on others today!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

{DIY} Polka Dot Coffee Mugs

I had some dear friends over for brunch on Sunday and while the men were talking business, us ladies decided to create a little DIY project.

We used acrylic paint that was made for all surfaces. I chose gold and pink because they are girly and I have been in a Valentine's mood!

I also picked up these little guys at JoAnn Fabrics for $2.00!

These sponge pouncers worked great with the large polk a dots and we used the tip of a pencil eraser for the small dots. 

After we added our dots, we placed them into the oven on 350 degrees for 30 minutes. **A little advice to you, make sure the paint is completely dry on your mug before setting them into the oven. Some of our mugs had large globs where the paint wasn't completely dry***

This project was so simple and could be done with any color combo! Don't these mugs just make you want to sip some coffee or tea while watching a girly movie!? Me too!

What DIY Projects have you been tackling lately?

Linked up to: Thrifty Decor Chick
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