Thursday, February 28, 2013

{Readers Spaces} Organized Homes

It is so wonderful to get emails and comments on how my spaces have inspired someone else. As the new year has started, many of you are getting organized in your homes. Two readers have recently sent me some before and after photos of their organized space. Take a look at their transformations!

Elisabeth was inspired by a redo of My Pantry a few months ago:

Her before.....

Her After

What I love: I love that she used baskets and bins to corral loose items. The aluminum foil and plastic wrap organizer is amazing! (I need to get one..pronto) She also used a small lazy susan for her oils. Her canned goods are organized using the same step shelves as these. I also have some and love that I can see all the canned items on my shelves without moving a million cans before you find the olives! hehe

Thanks Elisabeth for sharing your before and afters! You might have just inspired someone else!


My next Reader was inspired by my Laundry Closet Space. Janet lives in a rental, so she couldn't paint her laundry space, but boy did she do some damage at making it a workable space for her. 

Janet's Before:

Janet's After

Not done but here is where I stopped on Saturday nightGuess what?  My plastic containers were $1 a piece at the dollar tree!  I wanted some cuter/better ones like yours but I will have to add piece by piece over time.  Same with finding decor. Thanks for the inspiration! ~Janet

What I love: Once again I can't stress any more about how important it is to designate baskets and bins for a purpose. Creating a cleaning basket, a basket for light bulbs, extra detergent or rags makes the space more enjoyable to look at. Janet said that her bins were only $1 at the dollar store! I love the green pop! I might need to make my way to dollar tree in the near future. Janet also used a drink dispenser for her detergent. That is genius! I also love how she said she would add pieces over time and find some decor that would work for her. Sometimes when we jump into purchases, we regret them later on. Adding spice and character to your home little by little is what makes it reflect your personality and creates a place that you will love and enjoy!

Thanks Janet for your inspiration!


How great are these spaces? They aren't fancy but they have function and really that is more important when you are living in your home and using each space daily. I think we sometimes forget that our homes need to function for us. Even though magazines and sometimes blogs portray having tidy, glamorous spaces...they are really not realistic in everyday life. I really enjoyed seeing these real spaces! Have these ladies inspired you to get organized in your pantry or laundry space?

If you would like to send in your before and them to!

Have a fabulous day!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Your readers were paying attention! It's so nice to get feedback like this, isn't it?
    Have a great day, Amy,
    ~ Wendi

  3. Oh I feel famous now! Thanks for posting our pics :-) Keep on inspiring others Amy!


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