Friday, April 27, 2012

Front Door Color- NEED YOUR VOTES!!

Happy Friday! Do you have a lot planned this weekend? We do! I mean....does it really ever stop!?

I have a plan to get the front of my house in tip top shape this weekend! I haven't even planted anything in my pots or bought new cushions for my wicker chairs and here we are at the end of April! (I think it is because my mother-in law didn't come down to help me this spring!)

Since I am sprucing up the front porch, I was thinking of adding a little punch of color to the front door. I am a little nervous about this because I usually don't go crazy with color except in accents. But currently my front door looks like this:

Yep...Black and Boring! I don't mind it, but I think our door looks like everyone else's in the neighborhood. I guess that is why they call it a "cookie cutter" neighborhood? Well...I am determined to be the different one!

So here are a few of my choices.  I NEED YOUR HELP!! (In no particular order!)

1. Kensington Green by Benjamin Moore
Try to Imagine on my Front Door! 

2. Peacock Blue by Benjamin Moore

3. Wythe Blue by Benjamin Moore

4. Calypso Blue by Benjamin Moore

Which color is your favorite? Which one do you think will work best with the front of my home?

I am going to try and paint it on Sunday as soon as I hear from all of you!

Happy Weekend All!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Momma's Strawberry Pie

It is strawberry season here! Sorry to those who are still digging out of the snow! Your turn will come soon!

I showed you this awesome picture on Monday:

I picked two buckets for $8.00 a piece! There were so many strawberries that I had to make something. Me and the Hubs were not going to eat all of those berries! We would have stomach aches for a month!

Today I am going to let you in on my momma's strawberry pie recipe. 

1 Pie Crust already baked
3/4 Cup of Sugar
2 Tablespoons of Cornstarch
2 Tablespoons of Corn Syrup
2 Tablespoons of Strawberry Jello
1 Cup of Water
1 quart of Strawberries

Step1: Mix Cornstarch, sugar, syrup and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook until clear.

Step2: Add jello and stir mixture together. Then cool jello mixture.

Step3: Cut and arrange strawberries on a baked pie shell.

Step4: Pour jello syrup over strawberries.

Step 5: Refrigerate for a couple of hours to help the jello mixture set.

Step 6: TIME TO EAT!!! (add a little whipped cream if you must)

Easy.... right? I made a couple of pies this week and also some freezer Jam!
I am all strawberried out!

Tomorrow is Friday All! YESSSSS

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

For the Love of...

Pink and Orange

I have really been into bright and cheery colors lately!  I have been inspired by all of the wonderful colors that come from nature this time of year.

Not sure if I would really add this color combo to my home, but I am really digging the loud, vibrant feel it brings to cold and blank spaces!



What do you think about this color combo? Fun and vibrant or a little too much?

Have you missed out on other For the Love of...color inspirations? Click Below
Pink and Gray
Gray and Yellow
Kelly Green
Turquoise & Orange
Black & White
Turquoise & Green
"Pop" of Yellow
Navy & Pink

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

{Etsy} Artwork Crush

Who else has an Etsy crush? Can you seriously stay on for hours like me? I feel so guilty when I finally realize I have been sucked in by another fabulous website. So...I was cruising around Etsy this past weekend and stumbled across this wonderful shop:

The shop offers a selection of original photographs and postcards from the Paris Color Project. The project is an ode to the Paris beyond the Eiffel Tower, and to the doors, chairs, graffiti, facades, flowers and textures that capture the essence of the city.

How neat are these photographs? I really love photography because it captures real life. It freezes those fabulous memories and helps you feel what you once felt in that moment!
(Okay I am getting a little too sappy! :)

Well Once I found this picture:
I WAS SOLD! You can buy a set of NINE 8x10 photos for $124!! Isn't that crazy good?

I have wanted to do something different above my victorian couch in the dining room.

When we first moved in, I wanted this room to be red,black & White. As you can see, I have added some other colors as well, but it has been one of my favorite rooms in the house because there are so many family heirlooms  and memories in this room.

That wall behind the couch is quite large and I have always wanted to add something different. The mirror and side pictures don't do the room justice. So after finding this Etsy shop and seeing the photograph with 9 black and white pictures, I am pumped to get this room in gear!

They also have sets of 4 and 9 in different color combos.

What do you think? Do you have a favorite Etsy sight that you crush on? 
Please share!!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Kitchen Backsplash Featured {Thrifty Decor Chick}

Soooo.... I was catching up on my blog reading this past weekend and came across Thrifty Decor Chick's post labeled (Your) Beautiful Kitchens. I was reading about some of the kitchens she was featuring. Of course there was some ooohing and aaahhing coming from my mouth. I mean there were some really fantastic and fully updated kitchens from some amazing women! Then BAM! I saw it...

I love love love the colors in Amy’s tile backsplash:
I think they’re a stone, light green, grey and blue? Actually I think it’s black, not blue. But anyway, I think it’s totally fun and added the pop they were looking for in their kitchen! (And I want those little pear vases!)

Ummm...Shut the Front Door! Seriously! I was so pumped! There were 228 kitchens that were linked up to her Show Us Your Kitchens link up party. I just threw my kitchen in for fun! I always enjoy looking at how others decorate their spaces and there are so many other decorators and bloggers that deserve this honor more than I. But...I will take it!
Thanks so much Sarah for the feature! I enjoy reading your blog each day!

If you don't follow Sara@ThriftyDecorChick, you should! She is loves to use power tools and really creates some mean DIY projects. She is also hilarious! 

Thanks to everyone who keeps reading this crazy blog! Love to all!

My Weekend {according to Instagram}

Happy Monday! Another busy weekend around these parts, but a fun one!

A few weeks ago I shared my weekend using Instagram. I have really enjoyed using this app and love to follow all of my friend's fabulous pics during the week!

Here is what was going on around here this weekend:

Movie Night w/ the girls to see The Lucky One!

Ummm...Yep, stopped for some sugar!

Relaxed with a cold one! (not my husband, the beer you silly!)

Chased around my brother's dog "Boomer"!

Gelato Time! 

Went to Z-Gallerie for the 1st time!  
Gotta love some animal heads!

Found this gorgeous chair that I wanted to take home! 
(Maybe I can talk the Hubs into it!)

Not a super productive weekend, but a fun and relaxing one! Don't you just need one of those now and again?!

Here's to a Fabulous Week!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Investment House {Before & After}

On Friday, I gave you a little peek into my crazy weekend! Well it was indeed crazy, but I felt like I accomplished a lot. I mean A LOT!

Today I wanted to show you a few before and after pictures of the investment property that brother and I have been working on. My brother is a contractor and works with investors to flip homes.

It has been a really fun project! The foreclosure was bought at the end of February and is now on the market and ready to sell! I got to help pick out the colors, fixtures, tile and appliances. It was such a rewarding project. Now..we just need to sell it!

Enjoy a few before and after pics!

Front Before:

Front After: 

Family room Before:

Family room After:

Dining room Before: 

Dining room After: 

Kitchen Before:

Kitchen After: 

Master Before: 

Master After:

Back Before: 

Back After: 

Here is the breakdown of what we had to do:
*Replaced pieces of siding
*Stained Screened-in porch
*Painted Porches White
*Replaced screens in windows on house and porch
*Hung broken shutters
*Power washed house and porches
*New Landscaping

*Replaced vinyl floors with ceramic tile
*New Paint
*Granite counter tops
*New sink/faucet
*New Hardware
*New light fixtures
*Tile back-splash
*New Stainless Steel appliances

*New Paint
*New Faucets and Hardware
*New Paint
*Framed builder grade mirrors

Inside Home:
*New Paint throughout (walls, ceilings, doors, molding)
*New Carpet throughout
*Stained Railings and Banisters

It was a lot of work! I really enjoyed helping with the whole project. I think my brother did an outstanding job! What do you think?

I will share some of my staging ideas later this week.
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