Monday, March 19, 2012

{My Weekend} According to Instagram

If you haven't heard of Instagram, it is a photo sharing App that allows you to take pictures, filter and transform the look of each picture and then enables you to share your pictures with other social media sites. I enjoyed playing around with it this weekend!

So enjoy my weekend according to Instagram:

Cinnamon Rolls for St. Patty's Breakfast

Enjoyed some "me" time playing Su Doku while sitting in the Sun!

"Chatterbox" our cat, enjoyed having everyone home this weekend!

Yep...more paint swatches for the entryway. You will be happy to know that I finally picked a color! Hope to show you by the weekend!

Went through our Master Bedroom closet and gave 6 bags to Goodwill! Yahoo!

Watched A LOT of NCAA basketball.

Drank some "green" beer for St. Patrick's Day!!

Caulked all of the wainscoting in the entryway.
(I have decided that caulking is NOT my favorite DIY!)

And...I enjoyed taking a few walks looking at all the gorgeous flowering trees that have started to bud here in the Carolinas! 

Overall, a relaxing, productive, warm and gorgeous weekend!

How about you? What did all you beauties do this weekend?


  1. Looks like fun! I LOVE weekends! I finally got to put some plants in the ground - hooray for spring!

    1. I love weekends too! I am hoping to plant some flowers next weekend!

  2. YUM! That green cin roll looks to die for! Looks like a fun fun weekend. Wouldn't it be nice if every day was the weekend ;) ?

    1. It was a fun weekend and YES I wish everyday could be as relaxed and fulfilling as the weekend!


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