Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Current {Home Decor} Wish List

Hi All! I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend. We had a fabulous weekend filled with family, friends, fireworks, flags, laughing and relaxing. It was the first 4th of July that we have been around home in a long time. It was perfection.

Of course I was planning on posting yesterday and the day before, but work got in the way. Darn you work! I have a lot going on this week that I am excited about! We are finally closing on our flip home on Thursday. I have also been helping a few clients with paint consultations, staging and whole room redesigns. So it has been busy. AND I am attending the Haven Conference in Atlanta again this year and I couldn't be more excited! You might remember me posting about my experience last August. Haven is a DIY/Design blogging conference where you are introduced to new products and companies as well as attend classes on blogging, DIY, photography and decorating. It is seriously like camp for grown ups. I usually don't want to leave!

More than anything, I am excited that I get to see my blogging friends in person! There really isn't anything better. Every person I met last year was so nice and came across just as if you were reading their blog. You know what I mean? Their personalities were just like you would expect. If you want to follow along with the craziness starting on Thursday night check out my Instagram feed @eatsleepdecor.

On to today's inspiration. I am getting ready to change up a few rooms in the house and decided to share some of my current wish list items for my home with you all. These are not big ticket items, but things that will make a statement in each room of our home. I have started budgeting for them and have even hinted to the Hubs for a couple of these items for my birthday coming up this fall.

#1: West Elm Bedding
Last month I was in West Elm and saw this beautiful linen duvet cover with Slate trim. I fell in love. We have had the same bedding for years. I am ready for something neutral and soothing. Both this duvet and this blanket/coverlet are organic and feel wonderful to the touch. I am thinking this would be my birthday wish! Gotta love slipping into new bedding for a great nights sleep.

Don't you just want to dive on in!?

#2: World Market Wingback chairs
So I will have a post coming up next week about my dining room refresh, but I am really wishing for these gray wingback chairs for either end of the dining table. I think they would look fabulous and give that room a little pop. I might also have a little something up my sleeves to change them up a bit and make them shine. Stay tuned.

#3: Office Desk & Chair
I was recently inspired by this office space designed by Shea McGee. I have been falling for this campaign desk from World Market for a while and I think it is time I make a move. I am currently working from the dining room table because my office desk just isn't big enough. I am hoping to sell my current desk/shelves and step on up in the world of desks.  Will keep you posted on the changes! I have already picked out paint and fabric. Can't wait to dive into this project after the dining room is complete.

#4: Entryway Mirror
I have this mirror in my head for our entryway. Remember I recently changed out the hall tree for a simple antique dresser? Well I think this mirror would add a modern touch to the vintage piece. I am seriously kicking myself that I didn't pick up a "look alike" at HomeGoods a few weeks ago. What was I thinking? It was a bit larger than the Ballard Design one too. Such a bummer. Maybe it will magically appear at another store. I Wish! (note to self...grab the items next time, you can always take them back)

#5: Bar stools
I am currently trying to stream line my furniture and decor items. I want to simplify life with items that I love and that can be timeless. I want to accumulate furniture that can adapt to any space we live in. I know there will always be a few exceptions, but overall I want pieces that will last the test of time. I found similar barstools at Marshalls the other day, but they only had one and I need three for our bar area. I like the look of the natural wood grains against the harsh metal base. I also like the fact that these stools can be pushed under the bar and out of the way. Our current stools have a back to them and seem to take up a bit of space in our eat-in area. So it is time for a change!

So those are the items I am crushing on and wishing for. Whether they all come my way or not will be determined and hashed out with the Hubs! (Love you Dear!)

Do you keep a wish list of items you might like for your home? I love having goals and dreams whether they come true or not. I mean what would life be like without goals and dreams?

Tell me...what is currently on your wish list!

Have a marvelous Hump Day All! 


  1. I did the same thing with the same mirror at Home Goods ... saw ... loved ... debated ... walked away ... gone. That was a really good mirror. Good luck on your mirror hunt.

    1. HA! I guess we both learned a lesson. Grab and Run! I'll let you know if I find one. And if I find two...I'll know who to contact! :)

  2. so many things from Ikea on my wishlist! that's why I've justified making the two hour+ trip to go to the store in a couple weeks!! ;) By the way, LOVE the desk from World Market. Go get it!

    1. Yes! I love Ikea and have a small list of things I would love to get. Keep me posted and let me know what you get!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing our work. Love your plans :) Julie

    1. Thanks Julie! Hopefully some of my wishes will come my way soon!


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