Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday Treats #20 {My picks from the week}

Another Tuesday is upon us and I can't help but share my wonderful finds from this past week with all of you. So many fabulous new ideas and DIY projects on the web. It is amazing that I get anything done around here.

Enjoy this week's Tuesday Treats....

1. OPI Joins Clark + Kensington
OPI nail colors are now available exclusively in Clark + Kensington paint. I have a couple of favorite nail colors that I would love to make into fun colors for the walls. You can see more options at your local Ace Hardware.

2. Hutch Made into Bar
I love this DIY by my friend Kim at O is for Organize! What a transformation. I would have just looked past this hutch's beauty, but not Kim. Annie Sloan paint, new knobs and fantastic styling is all it took to change this piece. Click on over to see all the details HERE.

3. Paint, fabric & Wall paper samples
Do you ever walk into a store and wish you had a paint sample to match curtains or a fabric sample to match paint? Well I do! I absolutely love this quick and easy idea from My Sweet Savannah. You can see the full tutorial HERE. These little rings would be perfect to carry around or leave in your car for that "just in case" moment.

4. DIY- Easy Abstract Artwork
Emily A. Clark can make anything look amazing...seriously! She needed a little art in the corner of her bedroom and decided to recreate some abstract art inspired by Pottery Barn. How easy can a sharpie and a piece of white paper be!? Love how it turned out.

5. Gray and White country kitchen
There is something about the picture below that I can't get enough of. I am not sure whether it is all the rustic details, the feel of home or just the well designed country kitchen....I just can't get enough. To see more photos of this kitchen, click HERE.

What is your favorite Tuesday Treat from today? Have you found anything fun and exciting around the web that you would like to share with all of us?

Have a wonderful day friends.


  1. Loving those vibrant nail polish inspired colors.

  2. Thank you, thank you!!

    And, I've been studying that kitchen for weeks. Ready to pull down my upper cabinets and put shelves :)


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