Monday, September 24, 2012

A Little Crate & Barrel Pillow Hacking

A few weeks ago, my mother in law came to visit and we did a little damage at a nearby mall.

One of my favorite stores is Crate & Barrel and I fell in love with this floor pillow as soon as I saw it:
It fit perfect into the fabric and pattern scheme in the family room.
The only was $69.95 !!!!

I just couldn't justify spending that kind of money on a floor pillow that my husband is going to lay on and rest his dirty feet! hehe

Then we came across this beauty:
2x3 Olin Gold Rug $19.95!!

And within a few seconds we both looked at each other and decided we could totally make our own pillow out of the striped rug! It was $50 cheaper!!

So we bought the rug and then were off to JoAnn Fabrics. We bought some thick Canvas for the backing for $7.00 and a 24x24 pillow insert for $10.00. So the grand total was only $37.00! Still an amazing savings!!

We cut the canvas to the 24x24 size pillow and over-lapped the back to create a pocket, so it would be easy to clean.

Then we stitched around the outside, sewing the rug and canvas together. We had to use a pretty heavy needle because it was going through three layers of fabric. We doubled up on the canvas since it was going to be thrown on the floor.....hoping it would last a bit longer

And the Finished Product!

Not to shabby huh? I think it will be used a lot in this home!

See what I mean!?

Happy Monday All!

Linked up at: ArtsyGirl Connection & Thrifty Decor Chick


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