Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Paint Sample Failure & New Outside Digs... I did paint some samples on the entryway wall this week and was going to show you all yesterday, but I was in a really bad mood because I spent all this money and don't like any of them! Uggh! Have you ever done that before? The little paint chips look so different in the store and then  bring the samples home, put them on the wall and.... YUCK! I really don't think the colors flow with the other parts of the downstairs. I took a vote from my mom and sister-in law. They like the third one which is Bedford gray, but I am just not quite sure. It looks awful green in this picture. It really isn't this green in real life, although it does have a little green tint. The other colors I feel are a little too much on the blue side. Remember the whole saga with my master bedroom?

Here are the colors in order: 1. Classic Silver by Behr, 2. Smoke Embers by Benjamin Moore, 3. Bedford Gray by Martha Stewart, 4. Harbor Gray by Benjamin Moore. 

So there you have it! Which one tickles your fancy?? I will be going back to the paint store today to see if I can rummage some new gray colors! If you have any gray paint colors that you love...please share! Remember...this is a small entryway hallway and I can't have the color too dark! Thanks! Would love some help!

On a fun note, I found these colorful plastic Adirondack Chairs at The Home Depot this past weekend.

Aren't the colors fun?! I was really getting pretty excited for spring/summer when I saw these. We were given a fire-pit for Christmas from my mom and dad and I decided that I needed wanted a little color in the backyard. Guess which color I picked? know me so well! I love me some GREEN!

I am pumped to have a place to relax in the evenings while sipping some wine or making S'mores! 
Can't wait! 

Thanks for sticking with me. Hopefully I will have a decision on the entryway paint for you all tomorrow and a little glimpse into my plans for the entryway as well.

Halfway through the week! Cheers!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Featured & Giveaway Announcement!!

Happy Monday All!
It sure is a dreary day here. I am anxious to get a little painting done in the hallway today since I can't go outside and play! Be sure to come back tomorrow...I might need some helping picking a paint color! I am so indecisive about this stinkin entryway!

Well...last week Cassie was wonderful enough to feature my Wood Shim Sunburst Mirror.

Please check out her wonderful post on all the neat DIYers that she has influenced! I really like her funky style and she has really created some neat spaces in her home.

Thanks Cassie!


Since Eat.Sleep.Decorate. has reached 50 plus followers, there is going to be a BIG giveaway next week! I am going to call it: Eat.Sleep.Decorate's Favorite Things Giveaway! I wish I could give you all a car like Oprah, but I am just not that rich! Instead I will be giving away some great items to help you give a little punch to your decor!

I promise to be back tomorrow to talk about decorating and such. It was another long weekend of visitors and celebrating my Momma's birthday! I will need lots of coffee and a good kick in the pants to get some projects done for all you lovely readers!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Neon is Back? What!?

As I was browsing TJ Maxx/HomeGoods last week, I ran across some 80's Neon!!

Yikes! Not sure how I feel about all this. I mean...I was a kid in the 80's and I remember the Neon Back to the Future sunglasses, Neon floss bracelets, New Kids on the Block posters with Neon lettering and I do believe I had a few pairs of Neon spandex pants! 

Sounds so chic...doesn't it? HA!

Well that gave me the chills and I decided to do some investigation Neon really making a comeback?

via pinterest

What do you think? Is it here to stay?...Or is it just another quick Fad? 
Not sure how I am feeling about it! Brings back lots of memories...Good and Bad! 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{Entryway} Bench Updated

Happy Wednesday! Halfway through the week! Don't you love it?!

So last week I showed you what use to be inside our entryway bench....

Once I organized all those DVDs, I had a big empty storage space! What to do....?

Since my entryway is very small, shoes end up pileing up fairly quickly. Even if there are only 3 pairs of shoes in the doorway, it starts to get a little crowded. I really wanted to do something with all those shoes!

My lightbulb clicked on when I saw Jen's bench makeover.

My bench is a little smaller than Jen's, but I knew I could make it work!

I went to the dollar store and picked up a boot mat and 4 small bags of river rocks.
Yup...only 5 dollars for this whole update!

I placed the mat inside the bench and added the river rocks.

Then added the shoes that were lying near the door.

Ahhhh...a place to make the shoes disappear! LOVE IT!

What do you think?

Small Space Link Up: The Inspired Room & Thrifty Decor Chick
Home Stories A2Z

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

For the Love of.....

A "pop" of Yellow!

Since spring is just around the corner I couldn't help but get inspired by some yellow goodness! When I see a pop of yellow, whether in nature, design or food, it just makes me smile!

What do you think of yellow? Do you have a favorite color that just makes you "Smile"?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day & Blogging Love!

Happy Valentines Day! This was always a huge celebration in my household growing up. It was one of my mom's favorite holidays. She would make heart bread, a big roast and always a yummy dessert. She always made us all feel loved!

I also wanted to send out some bloggy love to all of the wonderful blogs who have recently featured me or one of eatsleepdecorate's projects!

Hani @ Craftionary
Sally @ Love of Homes

Make sure you go and check out each blog! These are some fantastic and creative people!

Hope you all feel loved today and everyday!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Organizing all those DVDs!!!

Well I hope my last post encouraged some of you to change your preferences so that we can have more fabulous conversations! I can't wait to be able to respond to more of you!

You all have been quite motivating when it comes to following through with my 2012 resolution! I should have started this blog years ago! I would have been so organized!

As you enter our home there is a very small area to take off shoes, coats, etc. We needed a landing place of somesort for visitors to sit and put on shoes or a place to throw purses and such. We found this cute bench peice at an outlet near Highpoint, NC.

It has served its purpose well, however it has taken on duties that really didn't fit in this space.....

Yep...storing our DVDs. And yes...also some VHS!!

I am sure by now you are all asking yourselves "Why are videos in the entryway?" My question exactly! I guess it was a space to throw them when we first moved in.

Well...out with the with the new!

I spent an hour or so going through all of the movies. I ended up with 2 bags for the Goodwill...

And many piles on my livingroom floor.....

It was time to condense these videos! I didn't want to keep many videos that I would have to pile through each time I wanted to watch a movie.

That is when Target (my best friend) came in to help!

I found this CD box on the sale rack! ($5.58)

And also these CD/DVD protectors for like $2.00!

I started taking the covers of the movies out of the large plastic jackets as well as the DVD itself. I then had to trim the covers just about a centimeter off of one side so that I could fit them into the colored sleeves. I folded the cover in half and slipped the cover and video into a protector.

This took me about 2 hours, but it was well worth it! All of my piles are now into one small video box!

They looked great, but I needed someway of finding the movies quickly without flipping through each one. It was the dreaded time of putting these DVDs into ABC order! Do you remember doing this in school? I caught myself singing the abc song many times throughout this step.

I used some extra paper and letter stickers from the good ole scrapbooking days.
(I knew all these extras would come in handy someday!)

I was pretty stinkin excited at this point! All of our DVDs in one basket!!! SERIOUSLY!

The best part of all this organization is that our videos are actually tucked away in a basket near the TV! Isn't that a bright idea?.....Actually having the videos near the technology that uses them!

Wanna see?

Oh yeah...pretty pumped! Only saved a few exercise videos and Wii games out of the mix! Everything has its place and I can check another 2012 goal off the list!

How are all of your 2012 projects coming? It is only have lots of time!
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homework  Thrifty Decor Chick
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