Friday, July 22, 2016

Cool Treat for Hot Summer Days (& A Giveaway)

I don't know about you, but we are having a major heat wave in NC this week. I have been trying to keep the twins entertained indoors, but we are getting a little stir crazy over here. I was given the opportunity to try out the new Ball book of Canning & Preserving and found an amazing recipe that combines the twin's two favorite summer fruits...Watermelon and Blackberries. They of course loved it and were signing "more".

And...because today is International Can It Forward Day I used a couple of my jars to serve the Watermelon-Blackberry Granita.

If you love canning, mason jar crafts, gifts or decorating with these beauties you can follow Ball  for giveaways and LIVE demonstrations going on throughout the day. You can see that all happening HERE (Facebook Live) starting at 10:00am EST
*Also, if you participate by asking questions, liking a recipe or make a pledge, a $1 donation will be made to charity. So it's a #winwin for all! 
*Have a question!? Use Twitter with hashtag #canitforward from 10am-5pm ET on July 22nd.  

That's Not All my friends! Ball is also giving ONE of my lucky readers the amazing goodies below!! 

 The All New Ball Book of Canning and Preserving: From the makers of the iconic Ball® jars and Ball® canning products comes the first truly comprehensive canning guide created for today's home cooks. This modern handbook boasts more than 200 brand new recipes ranging from jams and jellies to pickles, salsas, and more. (Retail value: $22.95)

Case of Collection Elite Wide Mouth Pint Jars: For the first time, the Ball® brand has introduced a line of never-before released blue colored jars.  (Retail value: $8.99/case)

One $5 off coupon to be used on

Follow the Rafflecopter below to enter! (U.S. Residents Only Please) Good Luck!

**A HUGE Thank you to Ball Jars for sending the above products for review and giveaway. As always all of the opinions are mine and only mine. **

Monday, July 18, 2016

It's Really been {SIX} Months!?!

Yes, you read that right. My last post was on January 26th. My how time flies when you are changing diapers, playing peek a boo and rocking babies to sleep. Can you believe the twins are now 15 months old!? My babies are now turning into toddlers. We have waited for these two miracles for so long and you better believe I have been soaking up the time being a mama to M & J. Time is fleeting and I must capture our moments together both in memory and pictures.

 I so have missed all of you and know that some of my long time readers are still there and if I hear crickets, well then so be it! This blog was meant to be a fun outlet from my days in the business world. I am in the mama world and need this blog just as much now, if not more. So I'm back! Will I post weekly? (Not Sure.) Do I have lots of great ideas up my sleeves? (Maybe). I am just going to post when I feel lead and have a moment of inspiration to share with you all. Thank you for sticking with me!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Pantone Colors of the Year {Rose Quartz & Serenity}

Yes you read that right... COLORS of the year. Usually Pantone comes out with one color for the year but this year they decided to throw a curve ball in the world of color and design.

Introducing Pantone's 2016 colors of the year:

Some of you may love these colors while others may be a bit turned off at this color combination. Before you leave this post let me give you some inspiration that will either confirm your dislike for these colors or change your mind on these pastel-like colors.

Let's start with Rose Quartz....I am attracted to this color in small doses. Am I going to paint a whole room this color? Probably not. (unless my daughter wants a pink room someday, then we'll talk)  But a throw pillow or accent vase would add just a touch of pink without going overboard. And how about this door color? I might get on board with that! 

The table setting below really shows how both colors can be paired well together. And of course I love how they added a touch of gold!

source unknown

Now onto Serenity.....
I have to admit that this color in small doses would also work for me. However, I am not a huge fan of the purple undertones in this color so I am giving you a glimpse of more of a sky blue in some of these inspiration photos. 

unknown source

I am really drawn to spaces that have more of a neutral backdrop which bring out the pastel colors with a pop!

Can you get on board with the new colors of the year? Which inspiration photo is your favorite?

Have a wonderful week lovelies! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

{Organizing} in the New Year

Hello Hello! Yes, I am still alive over here. I so miss you all as you have been apart of my blogging journey for over 4 years! I have decided for now that the blog (& my cleaning) are just going to have to take a back seat for a little while so I can enjoy sitting on the floor playing "peek a boo" with my babies. I know this time will not last.... I am soaking it up while I can. I have waited a LONG time for this. With that said...I will be sure to post when I can, so if you are loyal followers, THANK YOU! Thank you for following along as I learn how to juggle it all (or not). And yes.. my babies are now 9 months old! Get the tissues out for this mama. It is going way too fast.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and welcome to 2016! Can you believe it? neither. I usually do a New Years "Goals" post that has to do with items I want to accomplish around my house. The New Year just gives us that fresh start that most of us need. Time to review the past year and look forward to achieving goals and aspirations that weren't accomplished the previous year. I really don't have a whole lot of ideas for our home at this time. A little tweak here and there, but I am starting to get ready for a new project. The Hubs says within the next two years, so you better believe I  have already been scouring the market! Ha! Don't worry I will have lots of ideas and inspiration for you as we continue to make our current house a home on a daily basis.

One of my main goals this year is to organize my photos! Right now all of the pictures of the babies are currently either on my I-phone or a camera card. I NEED to get them off and get them organized before they turn 18. Technology can be a blessing and a curse...can I get an AMEN?

I have compiled some of my favorite projects for inspiration as you all start organizing your own spaces. All of these projects, once completed, really helped us live more simply and efficiently.

What are you up to tackling in the new year? Organization? House Construction? Maybe just survival?

Have a wonderful week! Hope to meet you back here sooner than later!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Countdown to Christmas with Balsam Hill

Today I'm partnering with Balsam Hill for their Countdown to Christmas series. If you are visiting from Our Southern Home...Welcome! So glad you are here!

I am joining 23 other bloggers in counting down to Christmas as well as offering 25 lucky readers a $100 gift card to Balsam Hill. You can enter Here

Can you all believe that Christmas is in 19 days? It looks a bit different for us this year. Since the twins have been born, I have realized that this mama can't do it all. So we are really trying to simplify and enjoy this season without having to deck the halls to a "T" or bake excessive amounts of cookies. We are slowing down and soaking up the magic in these babies' eyes.

Christmas to me this year is spending time with the people that I love. As we have seen in the news most recently, life is precious so why not spend every moment with family and friends that mean so much to us!? I absolutely love this Advent Calendar from Balsam Hill and can't wait to make this our family tradition in the years to come. Placing activities for the kids to do each day will make this season even more meaningful. 

One tradition that I just can't seem to give up is decorating a tree with my collected vintage ornaments. I have so many fond memories that are attached to these ornaments.

We aren't throwing a party this year, but I just had to set the table in case you all want to come over! You know I love a good table setting and using my grandmother's china takes me back in time to sitting at this exact table in my grandparent's dining room on Christmas Eve.

I hope you all will take a few moments to slow down and really feel the meaning of Christmas this year. 

Tell me....what are some of your favorite family traditions? I need to pile some ideas away for the years to come. 

Make sure to visit Robin at All things Heart and Home tomorrow for more inspiration.

**Don't forget to enter the $100 giveaway! Enter HERE.***

**A Huge Thank You to Balsam Hill for the Embroidered Advent Calendar! We will enjoy this with our family for many years to come. All opinions and photographs are mine.**

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

{Simply White} Color of the Year

White? Really? It's the color of the year? My thoughts exactly until I saw some of the images below. You either absolutely adore this color and how it creates such contrast against everything in the space, or you despise it.

I am actually a huge fan of white! I know I have young kids and they will probably draw all over the walls and create some pretty sticky hand prints, but I don't care. We painted the nursery, master bathroom and dining room Shoji White and I haven't regretted that decision one bit.

What do you all think? Are you a fan of white or do you try and stay away from it? What is your "go-to" color?

Friday, October 30, 2015

Flip Home #6 {After} Pics

Hi All! I am so enjoying this fall weather here in NC. I love the change of pace from the busy summer to a more subdued fall. The colors are just starting to pop out and I can't wait to get the babies outside for some pictures.

As promised (a week late) I am sharing the after photos of our most recent flip home. If you missed the before pics you can find them Here.

Since I had just delivered my babies 6 months ago, I really wasn't too involved with this flip like I usually am. I did find the home and completed the closing, but I didn't get to do the FUN stuff like picking out paint, flooring, counter-tops, etc. However, our business partner really did a phenomenal job without me! See for yourself.

And of course a couple of photos to show how far we have come! Don't you love before and after pictures?

Now we are on the hunt for flip home #7! To see the last 5 homes click HERE.
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