Wednesday, January 20, 2016

{Organizing} in the New Year

Hello Hello! Yes, I am still alive over here. I so miss you all as you have been apart of my blogging journey for over 4 years! I have decided for now that the blog (& my cleaning) are just going to have to take a back seat for a little while so I can enjoy sitting on the floor playing "peek a boo" with my babies. I know this time will not last.... I am soaking it up while I can. I have waited a LONG time for this. With that said...I will be sure to post when I can, so if you are loyal followers, THANK YOU! Thank you for following along as I learn how to juggle it all (or not). And yes.. my babies are now 9 months old! Get the tissues out for this mama. It is going way too fast.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and welcome to 2016! Can you believe it? neither. I usually do a New Years "Goals" post that has to do with items I want to accomplish around my house. The New Year just gives us that fresh start that most of us need. Time to review the past year and look forward to achieving goals and aspirations that weren't accomplished the previous year. I really don't have a whole lot of ideas for our home at this time. A little tweak here and there, but I am starting to get ready for a new project. The Hubs says within the next two years, so you better believe I  have already been scouring the market! Ha! Don't worry I will have lots of ideas and inspiration for you as we continue to make our current house a home on a daily basis.

One of my main goals this year is to organize my photos! Right now all of the pictures of the babies are currently either on my I-phone or a camera card. I NEED to get them off and get them organized before they turn 18. Technology can be a blessing and a curse...can I get an AMEN?

I have compiled some of my favorite projects for inspiration as you all start organizing your own spaces. All of these projects, once completed, really helped us live more simply and efficiently.

What are you up to tackling in the new year? Organization? House Construction? Maybe just survival?

Have a wonderful week! Hope to meet you back here sooner than later!


  1. Oh my goodness, they are so precious and so big!!! It really does go by quickly, so glad you are taking the time to enjoy them. Cannot believe mine are now 22 and 26!!!

  2. Yay! AAlthough I think time spent with those two is the BEST use of your time. I'm always excited to see a new post!

  3. Organization...working on that. I did get my master closet done!
    You children are precious and lovely! Keep a journal for each of accomplishments, activities, special moments, etc to share with them later.


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