Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tuesday Treats #16 {Ideas & Inspiration from around the web}

I am back with another round up of great finds and inspiration from around the web. Sometimes I get carried away and want to share so much goodness! But today I will stick with five great finds.....

#1: A New App: Pippit
So I just downloaded this new app yesterday and I am still getting the hang of it. It is kind of Instagram, Pinterest & a Reader all in one. It is a place where you can following blogs and websites where you can get their up to date posts, but also have their photos and videos all in one place. I think it is a great concept if it takes off. Having everything in one app rather than going back and forth to pinterest, instagram & feedly would be fabulous! I will let you know what I think of it as I use it more and more. If you want to check it out on Itunes go Here. For a great description of exactly how it works and what it does go Here.

#2: Fruit Ice Cubes
It is pretty much summer here in NC with the temps reaching 90 for the next few days. I am thinking about making some of these fabulous ice cubes to drop in my drinks to keep me cool. Don't they look amazing?

#3: DIY Pom Pom Throw
Since summer nights can get a bit cool, why not make a fun throw for the porch!? This tutorial is so easy. I am definitely thinking about making one for the nursery to throw over our glider. It would add a fun pop of color. LOVE! My friend Courtney just added some pom poms to her daughter's drapes. You can see how adorable they are HERE

#4: A Formula for Styling your Coffee Table
I realize that many of you probably have little kids and this idea will just be put in the back of your head for "Someday", but someday will come. I love how Emily gives us a glimpse on how to use everyday items around our home to create a beautiful vignette. I have to admit that I still don't have a coffee table. The top is complete, but my father and I still need to weld the bottom legs. Can't wait till its finished. So I will be saving these ideas for later too!

#5: A Chic Music Room
Last but certainly not least...I couldn't leave you all without a gorgeous picture to inspire your day!
We will inherit a baby grand piano someday. The hubs and I are both musical, but I always wondered how I would style a room around a piano. Well Rachel Lewis did a pretty fantastic job sharing some fabulous inspiration. I love the pops of gold and orange. Such a fun place to sit down and tickle the ivories.

Hope you all are off to a great start of the week! I am talking Collections tomorrow. Yikes! Do any of you collect things? Are you boarder line hoarder? 

See you all then! 

**Even though I have a pin-it button on my photographs, I ask that you pin the above pictures from the original sources. You can find the links under the pictures. Thanks all!**


  1. i just read about pippit yesterday - very curious, but haven't downloaded it yet. how do you like it so far?

    1. I like it! I am still getting use to the idea on how to search for things, but I like how everything can be displayed in one place. I will keep you posted on the pros and cons as I figure it out!

  2. Thank you thank you for including me in your favorites this week... So honored! Now I need to go check out all those other great links... Loving that Pom Pom throw!

    1. You are more than welcome Emily! Such great display ideas. And yes...loving that pom pom throw!


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