Thursday, June 12, 2014

Top 5 Design Mistakes {Number Three}

A few months ago I started the series "Design Mistakes" with Number One: Too much of a good thing, which referred to matchy matchy furniture and how to create a space that feels collected. Number Two: Lost in Space  was the mistake of placing artwork on the wall just to fill up space without giving it a second thought. If you are guilty of these mistakes, do not feel ashamed. There are so many clients that have shared the same design concerns. Click the links above to see how you can fix your mistakes and start over.

Today we are talking Design Mistake Number Three: Islands in the Stream.

This refers to the size rug that you might have in your room. The bigger the rug the better when it comes to large spaces. A rug can either pull a whole look together visually or pull it apart. I found this quote from an Ethan Allen design book and thought it fit perfectly into what we are talking about today!

Here are a few No No's I found while searching the web:

While the arrangement of furniture is nice the rug seems like a small lily pad where you can jump from your bed onto it and back again. It doesn't pull the room together.  

The scale of this rug is a little better, however it only holds the coffee table. The rest of the furniture seems to be floating around on the hardwood floors.

So how do you stay away from this design mistake?

1. Measure the size of your room. After measuring I like to place painters tape on the floor to show the size of the rug around my furniture before purchasing and making a commitment.
2. Be consistent: if you place the front legs of the couch on the rug, then the front legs of the chairs also need to be on the rug. If the rug covers to the back of the couch, the rug also needs to cover to the back of the chairs.
3. Lay the rug to fit the room. If your room is shaped longer one way then the other, place the rug in that same direction.
4. Be generous with your Rug Size: I believe the larger the rug, the better! Try to make sure you leave at least 10-12 inches from the wall or else it will look like you are trying to achieve wall to wall carpeting.

I hear so many clients and friends tell me that buying a 5x7 size rug compared to 9x12 can be a difference of hundreds of dollars. Yes I know. Larger rugs can be quite expensive. Although if you take a look at Overstock, One Kings Lane or Rugs USA you might be able to come across a pretty amazing sale. 

But if you are on a budget here is My solution: buy a cheaper natural looking rug and then layer a smaller rug on top. This way you get a little color and texture without breaking the bank!

So how about you? Are you guilty of too small of a rug? Do you just need a little tweak to create a more intimate setting in your bedroom or more of a conversational area in your family room?

I hope these tips and tricks gave you a little help! If you are still a bit stuck in your design mistakes, email me some pictures of your room and let's create a more inviting space! eatsleepdecorate (at) gmail (dot) com
If you missed:


  1. I love this series! Until we can invest in quality rugs, we have been buying large discount rugs from Rugs USA and Urban Outfitters...they always have sales, and the rugs get the job done until we can afford something a little more plush.

  2. Thanks so much Amy, love this advice! Pinned this for when we move from our current city condo to a home in the suburbs :)


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