Monday, June 16, 2014

Our Weekend in {Williamsburg, VA}

Hi All! Welcome to Monday morning! Whew...another start to a long week. I hope you had a nice weekend and were able to spend some time with the ones you love.

We were fortunate to take a little weekend trip up to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia. It seemed like a magical place walking through history and learning about the past. There was so much work that went into everyday activities back then. There was back breaking work and concern of war, but in some ways walking through the past seemed like simpler time of life. Time to enjoy working in the garden, watching your children play games in the yard and saying "good day" as you walked through town.

I can almost guarantee you that if I was born back then I wouldn't think it was simple living at all. I am very fortunate to live in a world today that has running water, electricity, high tech hospitals and state of the art science. Although I think I would have liked a horse drawn carriage, I am also thankful for my car that gets me to and fro.

I enjoyed learning about how they died fabrics to make colorful clothing using berries and insects. They really did have fabulous color options even back then!

To have a shoemaker design and make your shoes would cost you anywhere from one day to three days pay. I guess I wouldn't have had a closet full of shoes back then. Darn!

Wigs were also very popular in this time. The latest fashion would come over from England and France. They would make wigs from goat, horse, human or even yak hair. It wasn't uncommon for you to have a few different wigs ranging in style from short to long and curly.

One of the most beautiful places in Williamsburg is the Governor's Palace. The architecture is absolutely magnificent. Even the colors on the walls in the grand ballroom and study were just fabulous. This was the home to many governors including Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson.

We really had a nice weekend celebrating my dad's 60th birthday as well as Father's day. The best part was being with our family and enjoying each other's company.

Sorry for the picture overload! I just love my sweet family and enjoy having this little ole blog to document life and our fun family moments.

Have you ever visited Colonial Williamsburg? Hope you are off to a great start to your week. See ya around here tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you had a great visit, i LOVE all the photos. williamsburg is a cool town - it's been a while since my last trip, but i hope to visit again sometime {would be a great place to take auggie in another year or so! how'd L like it?}


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