Monday, April 29, 2013

Reader's Design Dilemma- NEED Pictures from all of YOU!!

Hello Hello and Happy Monday!?

I am in a weird mood today where my brain is just not being very creative. Maybe it is because I took benadryl before bed last night or that it is Monday morning. Whatever it is I have a little bit of decorating block today. So instead I wanted to announce that since last week's post on my Reader's Design Dilemma was so popular and anyone can use help decorating or organizing some place in their home,....I am going to offer a little help on the blog over the next few weeks.

Each week I will pick one reader's space where I will help find inspiration and sources to fix the dilemma's in your home. Then I will share the sources and inspiration pictures right here on Eat.Sleep.Decorate.!! And...because my readers are so awesome, you all will get to chime in as well. The more ideas and suggestions the more beautiful your space will become!


I need at least 5 decent before pictures of the space that you need the most help with. It can be a closet that needs organizing, a room that needs help finding sources for a perfect night stand, a hutch that needs staging or a nursery that needs to morph into a big kids room. So in other words...WHATEVER!!

Please send a description of what you would like to see done with your space as well as the 5 photographs to get going!! I can't wait to see what dilemma's you all have in store for me...BRING IT ON!!

Be back tomorrow with some beautiful inspiration pics!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Reader's Design Dilemma & Entryway Inspiration

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by an old High School friend who reads my blog regularly. She is always supportive of what I do with my design ideas and thought I could give her a little advice on her entryway.

My friend Liz and her husband built their home about two years ago. After they moved in she found out she was pregnant and now has a beautiful little boy. So...she has not had much time to decorate her new place!

Here is what she wrote me:
Help! I need decorating advice!  I attached a pic of my entry way that I have yet to decorate. What are your thoughts on painting the inside of the front door? I just feel like it is so cold looking. I love when people paint them black but I am not sure it would go in my house. Also, I am at a loss on what should go on the walls on either side if the door. Any suggestions you could give would be greatly appreciated! 

Don't you love her home already!? I am in love with her ceiling light...anyway here are a couple more pics so you get the feel of her space.

Around the backside of this wall is the door to her basement.

Liz has a great space to work with. We just need to add a little character with lamps, pictures, plants, pillows, a mirror and accessories! 

Here are a few ideas that I sent her and where I think the space needs to go.

Let's start with the console against the wall to the stairs. I am thinking a round mirror to replace the picture. This will help balance the square console.  Also a lot of layering of items such as a plant, tray for phones & keys, a brightly colored lamp and/or lampshade as well as a family picture.

Even though this isn't a round mirror, I love all of the layering and how the antique look balances some of the more modern touches. There are so many different textures that totally work in this space.

If she didn't want to purchase a new mirror, she could always bring a small gallery wall above the console to fill the space on the wall or the second picture makes it simple with two prints stacked one on top of the other.

Now on to the bench area in the corner...

The bench has some great texture to it, but I would add a little pop of color with some pillows. Maybe a couple of wicker baskets underneath for a quick removal of shoes. Even a little task lamp would be neat!

She definitely needs a place to hang coats and/or scarves when company arrives. I would add either a small coat rack in the corner behind the door or some fabulous hooks above the bench.

If they decided to add a coat rack in the other corner or if they have a coat closet nearby, she might decide to do a gallery wall above the bench instead. I love this corner gallery wall where it wraps around two walls. It really makes a great statement and she could display all of her family photos as well as art prints.

Last, but not least is that entryway door. How do you all feel about painting that door black? I know it is very popular right now. I am not sure that it is needed, but if she were to paint it black it might look a little something like this.....

What do you think about Liz's entryway? Any other suggestions you might all have for making her space shine!?

I can't wait to see how she works her to come!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

{DIY} Spring Wreath

Hello and Happy Hump Day!

I know it has been Spring for quite a while now, but I keep forgetting to show you my adorable Spring wreath that I made a few weeks ago. This idea seriously just popped into my head! Don't you love when that happens...BAM!

I started off with a Styrofoam wreath that I had already wrapped in burlap and an accent fabric. I was going to use it for something else and decided against it. 

I bought some moss ribbon at JoAnn's and wrapped it around half of the wreath by hot gluing it to the already existing burlap. 

I bought different colors of card stock along with this adorable Martha Stewart butterfly punch for 50% off!
I was going for the ever popular Ombre look when it came to the butterflies. So I punched out a few of each shade of yellow. 

I hot glued them to the moss side of the wreath from dark to light....

Aren't those butterflies adorable!? I wish I could put them all over my house for Spring!

And here it is.... tied casually to my Calypso Blue Front Door.

I love the touch of yellow against the blue door. Perfect for Spring! This was such an easy update. For under $10 I had a new Spring Wreath!...Priceless in my book.

Linked up at: Thrifty Decor Chick

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Before and After {Sweet Baby Girl Nursery}

A couple of months ago I posted about a Nursery plan for a baby girl. My friend from out of town needed a little inspiration to get started on her nursery. You can go HERE to see the sources from the mood board.

Well..that baby girl is arriving any day now and I can't be more excited for my sweet friend. She is finally finished with the nursery and I have some sweet before and after pictures for you all today! 

The nursery was formally the guest bedroom. Here are a few before pics:

I just received some after pictures of the nursery this past weekend. They are kind of dark, but you get the idea! It has totally transformed into a sweet baby girl's nursery!

What do you all think? I think she did a great job with the nursery and I can't wait to meet her baby girl!

Quilt & Bumper- Pottery Barn Kids
Hand print frame above crib- PB Kids
Lamb Rocker- PB Kids
Dresser- Ikea
Glider- Target
Bookcase- Target
White side table- Second Hand from Grandmother
Flower Prints- Rifle Paper Co.
Paper in Closet- Rifle Paper Co.
Mobile- Made by friend via Pinterest Inspiration
Paint Color- London Coach by Valspar

Friday, April 19, 2013

Fabulous Feature Friday {A' La Mode}

I am excited to share this Friday's home tour! Shelly's blog was one of the first few that I started following a couple of years ago. She has such a funny sense of humor and has created a beautiful home. She loves to shop (a girl after my own heart) and has a lot of great ideas for kids parties!

Enjoy the tour....

As you can see she is in the middle of a total kitchen redo, but I wanted to show you how gorgeous it is without the finishing touches. Go HERE if you want to see the progress. 

Don't let this picture fool you...this is her guest room. Umm..hello! Can I come sleep over?

I absolutely love the natural elements she adds to each room!

This is absolutely my favorite room in her house! If I could only convince the Hubs that I needed an office like this! The soft pink walls are so feminine yet subtle. 

This nursery is a very close second to my favorite!

How about that tour!? Shelly has done a fabulous job adding details in every space. It feels so personal like she has collected these items for many years. Her home is a place where life happens, but she has made it such a soothing place where life can also slow down for a bit.

Thanks Shelly for letting me share your beautiful home! For more of her home tour go HERE

Happy Friday my friends! Any Big Time Plans?

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