Friday, December 23, 2011

Brown Paper Packages.....

....tied up with Strings. These are a few of my favorite things."

I am up and ready to wrap this morning! I started wrapping last week and never got around to finishing. I love the outcome of the wrapping process, but never really enjoyed making a mess out of my livingroom! But I go!

Plus a little inspiration to get me going......


Fabric Wrapped Presents- Great Idea and Simple too!

I can only wish to look like this when I am finished :

Are you done wrapping? What materials or fun items do you add to your presents?

Monday, December 19, 2011

{Pinterest Party} Make & Take!

It has been a week since I have wrote to all of you! CRAZY! Life went so fast last week that the time just got away from me. How about all of you? Ready for the holidays?

To get ready for the holidays I had some wonderful friends over to make and create some fabulous Christmas decorations and of course have a little wine as well!

I got some great inspiration from Pinterest for our decorations. Here were the choices of what each person could make:

Cardstock or Fabric Wrapped Styrofoam Trees!

{YES!!! We had a lot of choices! HA! I think I will narrow it down next year. It was a little crazy and messy around the homestead that night!.....}

I sent an email out to each friend that was coming and told them the supplies that they would need in order to make the decoration. I had some supplies, but seriously...I am not rich people! So I asked everyone to bring a little something as well.

We really had a wonderful time talking, laughing, drinking, eating and creating! What Girls do Best!

Here are a few pics of our final products. Wish I would have captured more!

Some people didn't want to be in the pictures!!!(no hurt feelings..seriously!) So here are their final products:

We really had a wonderful time! I hope to do it again after New Years!
Happy Monday People!

Monday, December 12, 2011

{Christmas} Mantel Update

Happy Monday Everyone! Hope you had a great weekend. We were partying it up all weekend with holiday parties and 30th birthdays! I just love this time of year!

It was finally sunny for a couple days in a row so I could get some picture of our Christmas Mantel. I really enjoyed putting my mantel together this year. It looks much different from last Christmas. I wanted something simple and a little modern.

It all started with these beautiful Felt Balls:

They tell you how to make these beauties on pinterest....but I didn't have time for all that, so I bought two packages of 100 for $25.00. I figured that was worth my money!
Ornamentea is a fabulous bead and craft store in the Raleigh area if you are looking for a neat place to find some crafting ideas! The people who work there are also wonderful!

I used a thin needle and some silver floss and strung the felt balls to make a pretty garland for under the mantel.

I hung the garland by using some clear 3M mini hooks! You can't even see them!

I also strung some garland and hung it around these wooden trees that I bought from Khol's last year. I like the funk they bring to a rustic tree!

I liked the felt theme so much that I also bought 3 packs of off-white felt balls and made this wreath....I need to go back and get some more because it isn't quite finished, but done enough for this season! All I did was buy a medium size styrofoam wreath from Michael's and hot glued the felt balls around the wreath. I believe this is like 200 felt balls and I'm still not finished!

I was inspired by this wreath from West Elm:

I added these sparkley ornaments from Target to the mantel....

As well as these reindeer from Target and placed them both on top of some extra felt roving I had around the house.

All in all I thought it turned out pretty cute! It definitely isn't your traditional mantel!

Here is how my mantel has evolved over the past few months:

        Halloween Mantel                                                         Fall Mantel

And Now.....
 Christmas Mantel

Do you think it would be so bad to leave it up all winter!!!??? I kinda like love it!

Pop on over to my friend Shelli's Mantel Link Party for more mantel inspiration!

Some other fun Linky Parties: Hooked on Houses, Southern Hospitality, HomestoriesAtoZ

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree....Oh Christmas Tree...

Our Tree(s) have been finished for over a week now, but just haven't gotten my rear in gear to share them with you all! Oh and Yes...I said TREE(S), meaning two. Since the first year of marriage, Christmas trees seem to be the sore subject around here. I have mentioned before that I think my husband likes to decorate for Christmas more than I!

We have had the battle of colored lights vs. white lights. So instead of getting upset every year around this time, we chose to stay married and get TWO trees. One for the Hubs colored lights and a mix of ornaments and one for me with white lights and my elegant vintage ornaments! HA! So thats the story and I'm stickin to it!

This is my Vintage Christmas Tree:

I am in love with all of the old vintage bulbs! I have been collecting vintage ornaments for about 3 years now. I have recieved many of them from family members for presents or just gifts from their attics! I have also found a few from antique shops and ebay.

Aren't they just beautiful!

The tree topper is just gorgeous and a wonderful gift from my mother-in law!

My beautious tree at night:

I love how the colors from the vintage garland really stick out at night!

Ok....on to tree number 2! This tree is a mix of ornaments from when we were young (yes our moms saved them and gave them to us on our First Christmas together...awww!) and a mix of ornaments from traveling. Each time we go on vacation I try to pick up an ornament to save for Christmas. It is always fun getting the ornaments out and saying "Hey remember this trip?!" Many memories around tree number 2!

Yup...its a BIG GUY! 9ft tall this year!

I added a little bling with the gold ribbon. I mean...I had to do something to make this tree look decent in our house! Other than that it is just a hodge podge of ornaments collected throughout our life! Oh...and Yes it does have colored lights for the Hubs!

I must admit it does look pretty at night!

What does your tree look like this year? Do you have a theme?

Linked up: Holiday

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Naughty or Nice {Holiday Pillow #2}

Yes...I know the day is almost over and I haven't shown you my lovely "Naughty or Nice" pillows! Sorry! Long day! ya go!

I was inspired by Jen from Tatertots and Jello. She made these lovely Trick or Treat Pillows around Halloween. She used heat transfer material and her craft cutter. Aren't they adorable?

She inspired me to make Naughty or Nice pillows for Christmas. I don't have a special craft cutter (yet!), so I asked my mother-in law to embroider the words onto a white fabric. She did and I love the fun fonts that she used!

I couldn't find a special fabric I wanted for the back, but I did find these Christmas Green napkins at World Market! The perfect color to match my Holiday Tree Pillows!

I also found 14 inch pillow forms in my closet! Perfect!

 I got to work cutting out both fabrics. I cut the white fabric down to 16 inch on all four sides. I cut the green napkins down to 16 inches wide and 18 inches tall. I needed room for the back fabric to over lap.

I placed both fabrics right sides together, overlapping the green fabrics slightly.

Then I pinned up all for sides.

Next, I sewed a quarter inch seam on all four sides.

Turned the pillow cover right sides out.....

Added the Pillow Form......


The Back


The Front!!!

What do ya think? I think they are pretty darn cute!
 They go so well with the "Sew" Easy Holiday Tree Pillows.

What holiday goodness have you been up to? Please share!

Linked up at:
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