Tuesday, November 29, 2011

{DIY} Anthropologie Snow Globes

A few weeks ago I got a call from my mother-in-law telling me that she saw the cutest craft idea for our Thanksgiving week together. She told me that she found her idea at Anthropologie. As you all know I have a little Anthropologie Crush, so I was excited to hear about what she found for us to make!

When she told me she saw these little beauties made from mason jars I knew that this was going to be a fun little craft project for the girls over thanksgiving weekend.

We first found some salt shakers at Family Dollar and some mason jars at Walmart. I also had a few jars that I had found in the pantry. The Little Christmas trees were from Michaels and we grabbed some white glitter for snow.

We wanted to add a little more snow to our trees for some drama, so we first used this spray adhesive and covered each little tree.

Then we rolled the trees in the white glitter.

And...yep...a little extra drama.

We then took off the top of the mason jar and turned it over. Then used a little dab of hot glue and glued the trees to the underside of the jar top. (For the salt shakers we just plopped the tree right inside. No glue needed!)

Then we added the finishing touch....SNOW! We used a little cupcake holder to help pour the white glitter into the bottom of the jars.

We then put the lids back on and.............

Aren't they adorable? They sure were cheap, easy and of course FUN!

Now it is off to decorate the house! These little globe guys sure put me in the Holiday Spirit! Hope to show you some Christmas decorations soon!

What have you been creating for the holiday season?

Linked Project at:

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving!

I am very thankful for my readers! You are why I write and create.
I wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving Day!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Easy Elegant Thanksgiving Table

I hope that you all got a little inspiration from yesterday's post. I sure did and I have finally finished my Fall table just in time for company to roll in!

I really love how it turned out. We found these goldish color chargers at Michael's today for only $1.50 each! I was so excited! They really add a little "bling" to the table.

I picked up some Magnolia Leaves from my parent's backyard. I used them as a runner down the middle of the table, but also wrapped them around the candle inside the lantern.

I also created these little napkin ring beauties using burlap and fabric scraps. The golds and browns help bring out the colors around the rim of the plates and tie in the whole goldish theme without going overboard.

I am now ready for the Fall Festivities to arrive! How is your fall decorating coming along?

Linked up at: The Lettered Cottage

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

{Thanksgiving} Table Setting Inspiration

Thanksgiving is now only three days away! Some of our family has already made their way down for the festivities.

I am trying to figure out how I want to decorate our table and needed a little inspiration....so enjoy!

Which table setting do you like the best?

I SOOO feel inspired! I hope to have my own table setting finished and up for you to see tomorrow!

Monday, November 21, 2011

And the Winner is.....{Designs by Donna}

Thank you for everyone that signed up for the Designs by Donna giveaway!

The Winner is:

LindsayRhoNovember 15, 2011 9:42 PM  

Its hard to decide...I love them all! If I had to pick, I would go for the snowflake earrings! I follow your blog & twitter & im trying to figure out how to follow you on pinterest! ;)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Mantel Update

Can you believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away? YIKES! I feel like it was just Halloween...crazy stuff people!

I figured I had to do something with my Mantel to make it fallish before the whole family comes over for Thanksgiving. I have been so crazy busy with business that my Halloween mantel has been up since yesterday last week!

Even though I was in love with my Halloween Mantel....it was time to go.

I decided the mantel needed to be simple and I had to use things around the house. I didn't want to spend a penny on my Fall mantel, when the Holiday mantel will be making its appearance in a little over a week! (Yes...we run out and get our tree and decorate two days after Thanksgiving!)

So I decided to pull from things I have already made or items that I have been using in other parts of the house.

I first took this FALL bunting:

And Moved it Here:

Then I pulled some gourds and pumpkins from other parts of the house and placed them here:

The mantel needed a little something more. I had a little idea in my head (rare I know) and I headed outside to grab some of these:

Then, I went upstairs to the Hubs office and asked him if he had a book that he didn't want anymore. I told him he had to make sure he didn't want it because I was going to destory it! HA!

After much discussion he gave me an old book he was SURE he wasn't going to be using. I traced the leaves on different pages inside of the book. I wanted to make sure I found the pages with the most words, no pictures or spaces.

And....Wha-La! Some beautious book leaves!

I hot glued them to some extra twine I had around the house. Then I taped the twine to the back of an old frame I found in my parent's attic.

 And here is how my little idea turned out:
Not too bad right? A little funky..but I kind of like it!

I pulled a few more items from around the house and here is the final product of the Fall Mantel......

Quick, Easy & Cheap!

Halloween:                                                                             Fall:

What do you think? Not too shabby huh?

**Don't forget today is the last day to sign up for the Designs by Donna Giveaway!
Winner will be announced on Monday, November 21st!**

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

For the Love of....

Turquoise and Orange

The beach comes to mind when I think of Turquoise and Orange as a color combo. I picture a white background with pops of light turquoise and bright orange with pattern and little texture!

When combining Turquoise and Orange with gray, brown, cream and/or dark wood tones, the decorated spaces seem a little more sophisticated like below:

Check out this beautifully bright kitchen with mosaic tiles running up to the ceiling and small pops of orange. Feels like home....

How about this gorgeous sunroom with a Turquoise Ceiling? I am just in love with rooms that add a little "somethin somethin" to the ceiling! It draws your eyes upward and includes the design of the room rather than always focusing on the furniture and decor within the space.

How fantastic is this modern nursery?! They did such a super job incorporating Turquoise and Orange without going overboard. Just painting one wall with Turquoise added that "pop" of color without feeling like your're swimming in an aquarium!

My absolute Favorite Turquoise and Orange Space is this Diningroom. I love the different fabric patterns in the room as well as the textures from the wood, metal and glass decor. I'm in love....

Happy Wednesday!! ENJOY!!

***Don't forget to sign up for the Designs by Donna  Giveaway! Taking entries until Friday, November 19th! You don't want to miss out!****
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