Monday, January 26, 2015

My Top {5} Spaces That Have Stayed Organized

Well hello and welcome to a new week! I hope you are all staying safe and warm as storms roll through the Northeast. Thinking of all of you Northerner's today!

I am now in nesting mode. I have been cleaning closets, the garage and organizing piles. All of this organizing has got me thinking about the spaces in my home that I really don't have to touch. The "Organized" spaces, the ones that have pretty much stayed organized from the time I bought some baskets or slapped on some labels.

I wanted to share with you my top 5 spaces that have stayed organized over the past couple of years and a few tips and tricks that have helped keep those spaces looking great!

1. Master Closet: For the most part this closet stays the way it looks in the picture below. There are days of tantrums when I can't find anything to wear and the clothes hit the floor, but most of the time everything has its place and stays organized. The cubby shelves above the hanging clothes have really helped with that. There use to be piles of clothes that would fall on us! I am also in love with my shoe organization. Those Home Depot shelves were the best thing I added to the closet! I have also enjoyed having the ikea dresser in this space to house my unmentionables :) This little walk-in closet has really helped us keep only clothes that we will wear over and over. We have a box in the corner (which you can't see) that is designated for donating. When we no longer wear a certain shirt or pair of pants for a is time to donate! This helps cut down on the amount of clothing in this tiny closet.

2. Organized Media: Two years ago I was on a organizing rampage. One of the first spaces I tackled was our media storage. The cases to the DVD's just took up way to much space. So I decided to take them out of their cases and organize them A-Z. I found the plastic DVD sleeves and media box at target. You can see more of the details Here. It was a pain, but so worth it. Now these are stored in our new TV dresser in the living room. They don't take up too much space and I can actually find a movie I want...while singing the ABC's of course.

3. Laundry Closet: I can't believe that this picture below is still the Number One pinned picture on my blog to date. Who knew that taking a Saturday to organize my laundry closet would go viral? This space has stayed organized thanks to bins, baskets and labels! I can't say anymore good things about these plastic woven baskets from Target. They are great for cleaners and detergent because they can be wiped down if messes arise. These Free printable labels have been a time saver too! Now the Hubs knows where everything is suppose to be put away and I don't have to hear him ask me Where is.....? I can't find it? HA!
I laminated those labels with 3M Laminating pouches. They come in many sizes OR you could just use some contact paper to add a bit of thickness to your labels. You can see my ugly before Here.

4. Master Bathroom Vanity Organizing: The key for keeping our vanity organized were these wonderful drawer containers that snap together. Each drawer has a different configuration based on the contents. You can find these at Target or The Container Store. Everything has its place and that makes me very happy!
I have also kept our counter top pretty organized by corralling my everyday facial products with a thrift store tray. I have also placed a small bowl on the tray for jewelry. A little vase with decorative stones displays my makeup brushes. This helps with getting ready in the morning as well. Everything is at an arms length.

5. Under the Kitchen Sink: This is one place that I had a really hard time keeping organized. Cleaners and just plain ole "stuff" would get shoved in this black hole and never again come out! A couple of plastic bins, a small round lazy susan and extension rod did the trick. Now my most frequent used cleaners are hanging on the rod ready for immediate use. The Lazy Susan helps me see all the products without digging far in the back of the cabinet. These plastic bins are perfect for housing cleaning products and are easy to wipe after a spill.

Most of these organization ideas are easy and cheap! All you need is to take a little time going through each space and make it more useful for you and your family.

Now....ahem.... there are a few areas of our home that WERE organized and have no longer stayed that way. Like my Pantry and my linen closet. Those two areas are in need of another purge and organizational session. Will show you those scary spaces soon! Do you have any tricks for me on how to keep your linen closet organized? Help!

Have a wonderful start to your week my friends!


  1. Gah!! I'm so inspired to tackle all my spaces! Oh yeah, I'll have to when we move! :) And could your profile pic be any more gorgeous?!?!?! #no xoxo

    1. I am sure you will have a boatload to organize once you are settled in the new place! Thanks for the kind words on my profile pic....I will have to let my photographer know (aka: my dad!).

  2. You are pretty well organized! I hope to be so good at that as soon as I finish settling in to my new place I moved into Dec 1.

    1. Thanks Rose! It does take a while to get thing organized...that is for sure! I have lived in this home for 7 years and still have nooks to organize. But life would be boring if we didn't have anything to do...right? Ha! Have a great week!


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