Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Day I went to {Scott's Aniques} Atlanta, GA

Hi All! Be prepared for photo overload today! A few weeks ago when I attended the Haven Conference, I also was able to spend a couple of days with my Aunt and Uncle who live near Atlanta. I was pretty pumped when my aunt asked if I wanted to go to Scott's Anique Market. Scott's only takes place the second weekend of each month. I was lucky that it fell on the weekend I was there!

If you aren't familiar with Scott's Antique Market, you will be after this post! You will want to make a separate trip to Atlanta just to experience "America's Favorite Treasure Hunt." And that is exactly what it is...a treasure hunt. If you are looking for something for your home or a piece to inspire a DIY, this is the place to go! The market is spread between three buildings as well as a huge outdoor space where vendors are set up as well. Below are just a "few" pictures to get you excited to go on your own treasure hunt!

The first vendor that I really enjoyed made these unique tables out of reclaimed fencing, wood, boat chains & more. So unique!

There were also vendors selling amazing oriental and dhurrie rugs. So many gorgeous colors to choose from.

Lighting at every turn!

I especially loved this lamp below. It was sold before I could get a picture with the lampshade on. It was made from an old metal railing picket from a historic home in Charleston, SC. It was really a large unique beauty!

Some other great industrial furniture made from local artists. I love the large table with the swinging bar stools that fold under the table as well as that round unique coffee table. If only I had a place for it!

Cloche's all shape and sizes.....

There was some really neat nautical decor. How fab are these lights and buoys?

And...for you party people, there was a HUGE disco ball only $2,000! Come on...you know you love it!

You know the pillow hoarder in me wanted to grab a few of these beauties...

And I couldn't get over the lines on this wingback chair. Such a fun modern take on a classic wingback. All it needed was a bit more stuffing on the seat!

I was also inspired by these little side tables made from a vintage basket and large clay pot. How easy would it be to have a piece of glass cut for the top of a clay pot, wire basket, round wood stump...etc.? These would be great pieces to add to a patio or porch.

The outside area of Scott's had so many neat reclaimed pieces that would be perfect for adding a little vintage in your home. I fell in love with these colorful letters and numbers as well as the corbels. I just wish I had an upcoming client project to use them on!

This is seriously just a smidgen of what I saw at Scott's. I didn't even get pictures of the antique clocks, cameras, dolls, artwork, etc. You need at least a full day if not two to really take in the whole place. And then another day to put your feet up and rest. Lots of walking...but so worth it!

You betcha I'll be going back hopefully sooner than later. Oh...and I bought three vintage letters that I'll be showing you very soon as well as three large white tailed deer antlers. Yes I'm crazy...yes I'll show you soon!

Hope you are having a great day!


  1. Yes, you could go all three days and still not see everything! We love it. I purchased a pair of iron lamps there for our dining room.

    1. So jealous that you live close by. It would be a dangerous thing for me..I would be there every month!

  2. I could go crazy in a place like that! I love people's creative re-purposing ideas!!

    1. My mind was spinning for sure Rose! I need to go back!


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