Monday, July 18, 2016

It's Really been {SIX} Months!?!

Yes, you read that right. My last post was on January 26th. My how time flies when you are changing diapers, playing peek a boo and rocking babies to sleep. Can you believe the twins are now 15 months old!? My babies are now turning into toddlers. We have waited for these two miracles for so long and you better believe I have been soaking up the time being a mama to M & J. Time is fleeting and I must capture our moments together both in memory and pictures.

 I so have missed all of you and know that some of my long time readers are still there and if I hear crickets, well then so be it! This blog was meant to be a fun outlet from my days in the business world. I am in the mama world and need this blog just as much now, if not more. So I'm back! Will I post weekly? (Not Sure.) Do I have lots of great ideas up my sleeves? (Maybe). I am just going to post when I feel lead and have a moment of inspiration to share with you all. Thank you for sticking with me!


  1. I cannot believe they are 15 months old already!!! Gosh, seems like just yesterday we were all awaiting their arrival. They are precious. Yes, take your time...spend it wisely. They grow up faster than you know! I personally like hearing from other bloggers when they truly have something to share rather than posts because they have sponsors to deal with. Love following along on IG too.

  2. You are one outstanding mama! So glad that you are back!

  3. Those times of your childhood are so precious--enjoy them.


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