Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Look Back at 2013 {Top Posts}

We are now in the final day of 2013. Doesn't seem possible...does it? I sat down with my coffee this morning and thought back on this year. It was full of excitement, trials, adventure, hard work and just plain life. I am ready for 2014 in someways, a fresh start of sorts. But, as I look back on 2013 I wouldn't change any of the memories, trials, adventures because they have yet again helped me grow as a person and have changed me for the better.

Today is one of my favorite days as a blogger. I love looking back at what has been all of your top posts over the past year. Some surprise me, some make me laugh and some give me courage to tackle harder more challenging projects for the next year. Hope you enjoy a look back at 2013 and all the craziness that went on around this little ole blog.....
{Click on the link below the picture to take you to the actual post}

Organized our "Drop Spot" in the kitchen with Nate Berkus

Created a "No Sew" Roman Shade for the kitchen

Created some gold and pink polka dot mugs

Created these DIY Dipped baskets for the living room.

Created a DIY Wipe-able Paint Chip calendar for my office

Shared some before pictures of my master bathroom and a design plan on what I want it to look like

So Enjoyed the Guest Post Series on Neutral Nurseries from some of my Favorite Bloggers!

I can honestly say that I am so blessed to be able to create and share with all of you! Thank you for following along with me over the past two years. I am looking forward to seeing what is in store for this blog in 2014.

I wish you and your family a safe and Happy New Year!! 


Monday, December 30, 2013

Top Ten Pins from 2013

Well hello there my sweet friends! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have been enjoying this season. We were out of town last week visiting family up North. It was so great to get away and relax while spending quality time with family. I even got to see a friend from high school that I hadn't seen in over 10 years! All of that time is priceless and as I wind down the year and look forward to 2014 I get a bit sentimental. I have a great big post tomorrow looking back on 2013..so be sure to come on back.

Today I am sharing my top ten pins from 2013. There are a couple of my own pinned items on this list, but the majority are things I thought were great ideas and/or inspiration and some of you all thought so too by the amount of times it was pinned! If you aren't a follower of Eat.Sleep.Decorate. on pinterest click HERE. To find sources of each pin below make sure you click on the link below the pictures. Enjoy!

Starting with Number Ten: 86 Repins

Number Nine: 91 Repins

Number Eight: 94 Repins

Number Seven: 170 Repins

Number Six: 289 Repins

Number Five: 333 Repins

Number Four: 361 Repins

Number Three: 427 Repins

Number Two: 680 Repins

AND..... The Number One Repinned Pin in 2013...


2154 Repins

I just love looking back and seeing what the general public was interested in during 2013. So funny that I am a  Home Decor blog and my top pins were fashion! 

Were you one of those that followed this year's pinterest trends? 

See you all back here tomorrow for a look back at Eat.Sleep.Decorate. during 2013!!

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