Friday, August 31, 2012

A Reader's {DIY Headboard}

Well it is finally Friday all! Hope you have some exciting plans for the long weekend. I am hoping to accomplish some organization of the pantry. Wish me luck! It is very scary in there! hehe

Last week I received an email from a reader showing me her finished headboard that her and her husband tackled. So I wanted to share with you all! 

Hey Amy! Here are a few photos of my headboard and master bedroom. The rest of the room needs some love, but I'm working towards eventually improving it. :)

I adapted the plans from one I found here:

Luckily I have a husband who is an excellent woodworker, so it came together in just a weekend. The total cost was about $150 - a little more than I had wanted to spend, but we splurged and went with oak because I thought since it didn't need a lot of wood, we could go with something nicer. The fabric is just a canvas drop cloth from Lowes.

Hope you're doing well! I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what's inspiring you!

-Sarah Lynn

I am excited for you to see how Sarah Lynn's headboard turned out.....

What do you think? I have always wanted to try and make my own headboard, but have been a little intimidated. This sure motivates me!

I love that Sarah Lynn created this on a budget. This headboard is gorgeous for only $150. Drop cloth for the fabric portion is genius! It is a great neutral that can be used in any room or can stay with the room as she changes out bedding and accessories.

Fabulous job Sarah Lynn! Thanks for sending me pictures!

Have a great weekend all!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Espresso in the bathroom

I know some of you like to sip your espresso while soaking in the tub or sitting on the pot!! But I am trying not to visualize that! hehe Today I am here to talk about some choices of bathroom vanities for our flip house.

I always thought I wanted a calming and serene all white bathroom.

That was until I found some fabulous inspirational pictures on the web for espresso cabinets and vanities.
I love the dark wood against a light tiled floor, paint color and/or seamless glass shower. It is still classy, but has a modern edge to it.

all images via Decor Pad

I think we are sold on the espresso for both full bathrooms. Now we just need to decide on the size of the vanities and whether or not we have room for double vanities in both bathrooms.

What do you think about dark espresso cabinets? Any preference?

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Little Organization in the Hubs Office

Don't you love going through piles and piles of papers!? No? Well...the Hubs and I recently tackled the dreaded office closet. I will warn you.... it isn't pretty, but at least it is organized for now!

I happened to open up his office closet doors the other day and my jaw just dropped. I does a space get like this? Well, I do know is called too busy, traveling too much and too many commitments! Uggh!

I have been wanting to get two small filing cabinets that would fit neatly inside of the closet and hidden away. But, have you seen the prices of a two drawer filing cabinet lately? They are like $200 and up! Crazy I tell ya!
So, I was very excited when I found this puppy on sale at Staples last week.

I have been procrastinating buying this cart because it was $59.99. I didn't want to spend sixty dollars on something that was just going to sit in the closet. I found it on sale for $17.50 and I was pumped! It was a little dented, but all the parts were inside, so it came home with me!

The Hubs and I spent 3 hours on Saturday going through all of our files that have just been piled high in the closet for like 4 years! Yup...we have been living in this home for 4 1/2 years! 
Crazy how time flies and piles grow! 

We organized piles into most used files, burn pile, shred pile & files used once in a while. That way we could get rid of what we didn't need and then file the folders according to use. The top folders are more accessible for monthly use and the bottom folders are organized, but don't need to be pulled out all that often.

After all was said and done it went from this to:


Like I said at the isn't that pretty, but we now have some organization to our life!
Doesn't being organized feel so good??

Well off to another closet, but not until I have a glass of wine!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

{Flip Home} Outside paint color & Sneak peek

Last month I talked about some exterior paint choices for our current renovation project on our flip home.
I am happy to say that I am in love with our pick!

I stopped by to see how the progress was going the other day and snapped a couple of pics with my phone!

I love the contrast between Sandy Hook and Chelsea Gray. It has made such a difference for this home. 
Now we are in need of a colored front door and some shutters!

If you forgot what this place looked like before, check it out:

We are getting there! We are hoping to have this whole project done by October. We still have a long way to go, but it sure is fun!

Here is also a little sneak peek of the back deck. My brother and I decided to spice up the railings.
Aren't they just fabulous!?

The drywall is up inside the home and we are now picking cabinets, tile & colors! Stay tuned later this week to see some of our choices! We might need your votes!

What do you think so far?

If you missed any of our previous posts on this home visit here and here.
If you missed our other renovation that SOLD click here.

Monday, August 27, 2012

West Elm is Now Open!!

Can you hear the excitement in my voice!! I have been waiting for a year for West Elm to finally open in the Raleigh/Durham area. Now I won't have to drive all the way to Charlotte or D.C for a trip to West Elm. YESS!!

My mother-in law was in town this past week and I took a day off of work to go shopping! There were some fabulous items out for the fall!

This is a great DIY idea for organizing your utensils in the kitchen. Burlap and Chalk board labels!

Love the contrast in textures between the white ceramic vases and stick sunburst mirror.

West Elm's displays are always fabulous! Such a mix of colors and textures!

Mercury Glass and faux magnolias...gorgeous!

Now these babies need to come home with me! I love these convex mirrors. Might have to go back and grab a few!

I am also in love with these side chairs. I really want to get two end chairs for our dining table and these beauties have such fabulous curved lines. Might just have to save up!

We also stopped into Restoration Hardware. Remember my post on Double Chandeliers?

Well...check these babies out:

Restoration Hardware sure has changed its vibe over the past couple of years. It has so many unique pieces that you can't find anywhere else like this vintage looking trunk coffee table:

You would seriously need a very large space for that! It looks smaller than it really is! You could fit two bodies inside. (Didn't mean to sound creepy, but it's true! :)

I think this is a fabulous DIY idea! Collect some sheet music of a favorite song, place it on a mat color of your choice and then frame it! Might have to do this someday!

Some great finds out there people!....and so many deals right now!
Happy Monday all!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Faves!!

Oh how I have missed all of you! It has been a whirlwind the past couple of weeks and that has left me NO time to blog and converse with all of you! I did catch up on all of my responses to your questions, so make sure you either check your email or the post on which you left a comment!!

I don't have much for you today, but wanted to give you a little ahhh moment and a break away from your work on a Friday afternoon.

Here are some of my favorite inspirational pictures that keep me going when my schedule is so crazy!!

Who wouldn't die for a room full of shoes!?

Some beautiful french doors leading into the garden....don't you just want to take a nap!?

Love the beach and all those shades of blue!

Doesn't a house in the trees look enchanting?

A good soaking bath always relaxes the mind!

This is the perfect porch swing! I could swing all day long!

A House on a lake just seems right, don't you think?

Can't wait for the cooler weather and ohhh those fabulous colors!

Love an outdoor shower!

And....nothing quite beats time with girlfriends!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! What inspires you and keeps you going on those
crazy weeks where you just want to run away!??

Monday, August 13, 2012

Featured...and a WINNER!!

Happy Monday All! It was a crazy weekend, but I actually got some organization accomplished! Can't wait to share with you all this week!

Last week I received an email from Karah at The Space Between Blog that she had featured my Calypso Blue Door!
the space between

Karah is a thrifty girl! I just love her new DIY Door Turned Coffee Table! Check out her site for more DIY Ideas! She is full of them!

Thanks again Karah for featuring my door!

And Now....onto some important business.

Last week you all entered the Paris Print Shop Giveaway. And today I get to announce the winner!!


Our Winner is:

I love them all! However, the black is probably my favorite.

CONGRATULATIONS Stacey!!! Check your email for more information.
Thanks to everyone for entering and following along with my everyday craziness!
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