Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekend DIY {Bathroom Organization}

So......I have had a lot of company over the past few weeks. It seems to be that whenever we have a lot of company my guest bathroom gets trashed! {Okay...not really but it does seem like my guests like to have towel fights.} The towels always end up all over the floor, hung over the side of the tub or even in the tub! Why am I missing all the fun in my guest bathroom!

I found a little inspiration on the web to help organize guest towels:

My thought was to find some nifty knobs that would look like art work on the wall, but also transition to towel hangers when guests arrive.

While I was in NY for the holidays we stopped at a Hobby Lobby. I had never been to one before and I think my mouth never closed the whole time I was there!(more on that later)

I found these beauties for 50% off!

So I bribed, begged asked my father-in law to help me with my DIY project! He is wonderful at wood working and I knew he would do a much better job than me!

We decided how far apart we wanted the knobs and then drilled four holes into a scrap board he had around the house.

The knobs were so long that they actually stuck out on the other side of the board.

So we decided to mark them and sawed part of the screw.
We then used a 1/2" router to hollow out the back of the board so the washer and bolt could fit inside rather than against the bathroom wall.

I gave the wood board a good sanding:

And sprayed it High Gloss White:

While the paint was drying I marked the holes in the drywall and placed plastic anchors in for support. (you know how heavy wet towels can be!)

Then the fun part...

And when the guests are in town....

Sorry Guests....No more Towel Fights for you! Organization puts a little damper on that!

I hope some of you try this fun project! It was easy and cheap! You could use these knobs in your entryway for coats, bedroom for jewelry or even in your closets for handbags and purses.

What DIYs have you been up to?

Small Space Ideas (Link-up): The Inspired Room

Home Stories A2Z

Wayward Weekend
Visit homework


  1. That's a really cute idea. I need to add some hooks to my closet, and I love the look of this.


  2. I am very excited about this idea because I have a bag of knobs from when I couldn't decide which ones to use in my kitchen. ( I couldn't really return them since I had torn open the plastic packages.) Now I know what to do with them :).

  3. Such a great idea! I just love love love it!


  4. Great knob choice. Gotta love Hobby Lobby!

    If you're interested, we're hosting our first ever link up party. Please stop by and link up!

  5. Thanks for sharing the steps for this project! It looks great! I've been thinking of doing something like this and thanks to the tips, I'll be more likely to carry through.
    (visiting from tatertots and jello) :)

    All the best!

  6. Thanks Anne! So glad I got you motivated to try this project! I love how it turned out! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. This is such a cute idea, I love it! Thanks so much for linking up to the challenge. Karah

  8. Love the mismatched knobs - thanks again for linking up

  9. I really love this idea. I always admire shabby chicness and can't get the hang of it. This can add some whimsy and variety/randomness, but is still neat and tidy, which I can do!

  10. Thanks everyone! It really was a fun and easy project and sure makes all the difference in the guest bath!

  11. I LOVE this!! with four kids and 2 adults it will be perfect for our every day bathroom!!! can't wait to get some knobs and make this!!

  12. I shared this post on fb, but it wouldn't let me tag your page from some reason. :( Just wanted to let you know!

  13. That is SOOOOOO cute! I love the different knobs I would have never thought of using different knobs but I love it!!!!
    thanks for linking up!! Way too cute!
    Lots of Love


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