Friday, May 18, 2012

Featured Friday {Emily A. Clark}

Happy Friday All!
I am totally ready for the weekend, how about you? It has been a crazy week! I just got back from helping my parents pack up their home that they have owned for 30 years. It is bittersweet because they will be moving down south close to me! Actually only a mile from me! I am so excited! Isn't family the best?!

So that is my excuse for not posting much this week. I have a lot of pictures ready to take over the web for next week!! Stay Tuned!

On a exciting note, I was featured on Emily A. Clark today! She helped me pick my front door color and loves it just as much as I do.

If you haven't been on her blog before, you MUST check it out! She is one of my favorite decorators and I would consider her style a lot like mine. Thanks Emily for the Feature today!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. The blue color is really beautiful!

  2. Thanks for the link, Amy :) How exciting that your parents are moving close. I would definitely be excited!


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