Monday, April 23, 2012

Kitchen Backsplash Featured {Thrifty Decor Chick}

Soooo.... I was catching up on my blog reading this past weekend and came across Thrifty Decor Chick's post labeled (Your) Beautiful Kitchens. I was reading about some of the kitchens she was featuring. Of course there was some ooohing and aaahhing coming from my mouth. I mean there were some really fantastic and fully updated kitchens from some amazing women! Then BAM! I saw it...

I love love love the colors in Amy’s tile backsplash:
I think they’re a stone, light green, grey and blue? Actually I think it’s black, not blue. But anyway, I think it’s totally fun and added the pop they were looking for in their kitchen! (And I want those little pear vases!)

Ummm...Shut the Front Door! Seriously! I was so pumped! There were 228 kitchens that were linked up to her Show Us Your Kitchens link up party. I just threw my kitchen in for fun! I always enjoy looking at how others decorate their spaces and there are so many other decorators and bloggers that deserve this honor more than I. But...I will take it!
Thanks so much Sarah for the feature! I enjoy reading your blog each day!

If you don't follow Sara@ThriftyDecorChick, you should! She is loves to use power tools and really creates some mean DIY projects. She is also hilarious! 

Thanks to everyone who keeps reading this crazy blog! Love to all!


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