Thursday, January 26, 2012

DIY Artwork

Last spring I came across this lovely blog: Southern Exposure. She is a part-time designer and also a stay at home mom. Her home is just beautiful and she has so many fabulous ideas!
As I was browsing through her blog, I came across her office/guest room. I was immediately drawn to the black, gray & yellow artwork pieces above the desk.

I ended up emailing her to see where she had bought those pictures. Come to find out...she is somewhat an artist as well! Those pictures were made from colored paper that was hole punched! YES HOLE PUNCHED!

I decided that I was going to try and DIY similar artwork. My guest bath was in high need of a punch of color!

So I punched and punched...... glued and glued till I came up with :

And This....

This DIY project seriously took me most of the weekend!!
But...I do love how they came out and just love them in the guest bath!

What do you think? Would you have the patience to punch all those holes?
I have to say I don't want to hole punch anything for a long while!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Look what came in the mail !!!

This past weekend I recieved two packages from the postman! I seriously wanted to give him a HUGE kiss HUG! Don't you love getting packages in the mail for yourself?

The first package I briefly described in last weeks post about my Master Bedroom Progress.

My pillows from Willa Skye showed up on Friday evening.....

She had them packaged and folded all cute! They are very well made pillows! I am totally in love!

Here is the color scheme so far.....

....and also a sneak peek!
Oh yeah....color everywhere! L-O-V-E I-T!!

Then this package came on Saturday....
This was a Christmas present from my mother-in law that was back ordered until now!

I opened this picture on Christmas Morning:

Isn't it neat? It comes in three colors-Antique Brass, Oil-rubbed bronze & Aged Silver.

A little peek of my reading corner in the livingroom. I had NO light there, so this was a much needed present! (Thanks Mom H.!)

Looking into kitchen

Looking into dining room. all I need is a good book!

Are you Best Buds with your mailman?
I am not...however, he is on my good list today!
(Until he ends up losing another piece of mail! Then Back on the hit list : )

Happy Wednesday All!

Friday, January 20, 2012

For the Love of....

Turquoise & Green

I don't know about you, but as I search the web I seem to fall in love with ALL colors! Even the ones that I am not sure about actually putting into my home. There are so many inspirational spaces with Color!

This week I am focusing on the turquoise and green combo. Wasn't sure how I felt about it until I found these gorgeous pictures! Enjoy!

I know that the holidays are over....but isn't this beautiful!?

Classic Coastal Colonial Renovation - the Mudroom contemporary entry

I really like this entryway with just subtle pops of turquoise and green.

Definitely one of my favorites! The use of turquoise and green against the neutral palette is beautiful!

A little bold for my taste, but the colors still add a playful side.

Now... there is a definite statement room! Still loving the Kelly Green..wish I had somewhere to use that amazing color!

You definitely can't say that these colors don't have a good time together!!
Who is running to the store to get Turquoise and/or Green paint this weekend!

Have a fabulous Friday!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Master Bedroom Update

If you have been following me for a while, you know that my master bedroom is a work in progress. I have shared with you some before pictures here.

The space has definitely been transformed and I am almost ready to at least show you some "In progress" pictures.....but not quite yet!

Here is was my long to do list:

  • Paint Walls & Tray Ceiling
  • Create Gallery Wall (see gallery wall here)
  • Recover seat cushion on chair & add edging (DIY-victorian chair)
  • New Grommet Drapes
  • New Bedside Lamps (HomeGoods finds)
  • New Bedding
  • Make Euro Pillows with dove fabric
  • Spray paint bedside tables white (DIY side tables)
  • Change out knobs on large dresser
  • Add some throw pillows with color (being shipped!)
  • New Artwork above bed (still deciding)
  • Change out Fan for light fixture (sorry…Hubs said the fan must stay!)
I would say that I have accomplished a lot! I really do feel good about the space.
Here was my inspiration board for the space:

I wanted cool, neutral walls with some splashes of color in the accessories. Since we have carpeting in our bedroom, I decided against the rug for the time being. This will save a little money for other items in the room.

I think this room will always be in "transition" because I am constantly changing items and adding to the design. Do you ever feel that way about a space in your home?

I also found this amazing pillow designer on Etsy! I am just waiting for these little beauties to arrive by the weekend:

Two of these..

....and one of these!

I can't wait to add some "pops" into my bedroom!

What do you think so far?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Inspiration Binder

Another post on organization you say?....YUP! You will be seeing a lot of organizing from me in 2012! I am off to a pretty good start!

I have had about 45 magazines sitting around the abode waiting to be torn apart. I saved all these magazines because each one had some inspiration or idea that I wanted to remember. Now...I know we have pinterest and the internet to find inspiration and ideas, but I LOVE looking through magazines. In fact, I get a little giddy when I go the the mailbox and find one in there! They are a stress reliever for me. I sit back with a cup of coffee or glass of wine and page through.

Well..since it is 2012, I knew I needed to get rid of the mile high pile of magazines! So as I was watching a movie this weekend, I paged through each one and tore out the pages where I found inspiration and ideas.

I then piled the pages into categories.....
The Hubs was really thrilled that I took over the entire living room floor!

I added some sticky notes next to each pile so it was easier to organize.

Then I typed up the tabs and added them to the dividers! It really made it easy to find exactly what I was looking for.

Love the color combo!

How awesome are these corner shelves!?

I love all the color combos that BH&G puts together! technically this next tab isn't "decorating" inspiration, but it could be if you thought of it as decorating your body and soul!

Each page got put into a plastic sheet protector and placed into the binder.

This is where it sits for now. I can grab it anytime I need a little inspiration or add to it when I get those fabulous magazines in the mail!

No more mile high magazine piles for me!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Laundry Closet Makeover- Before & After

It was about time to do something to our Laundry Closet. Since my resolution is to get organized, I knew that I needed to start with the closets! I have always wished for a laundry "room", but right now we have a laundry "closet". I really dislike doing the laundry. In could be my least favorite chore around here! I wanted to make this closet a place I enjoy opening!

This is how it all started.....really exciting huh?

My first step was to take EVERYTHING off the shelves!!

And here is what my upstairs hallway looked like...YIKES!

I then started organizing the items into my awesome Target Finds!
Rags, Dusting/Ironing, Shoe Cleaners, Laundry Soap, etc.

I also found these glass jars at Home Goods for $4.99! Clothes pins in one....powder detergent in the other!

I now have a place for this cute dish my mother-in law gave me! It houses all my finds from pocket hunting!

Once all the items were organized, I started placing the bins and baskets back on the shelves.
Progress right??

I was starting to really fall in love....but there was still something missing.
I decided to add these bird prints that I had found at Michaels a while back and haven't found the right place for them.....until now! Perfect huh?

I also remembered pinning where to find Free Label Printables and decided to be even more OCD organized by making labels for all of the bins and baskets. (Go big or Go home right?)

I also found these self-laminating tags at Target for $2.50! Perfect!

Once they were all laminated, I clipped them on the baskets and bins with clothes pins.

After a long weekend of organizing, I am finally finished and so in love with my "new" Laundry Closet!!!

Wouldn't you want to do some laundry in this space??

How about a couple before and afters....shall we.......

Before:                                                  After:



One Organized Closet......6 more to go! Whew!
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