Monday, December 19, 2011

{Pinterest Party} Make & Take!

It has been a week since I have wrote to all of you! CRAZY! Life went so fast last week that the time just got away from me. How about all of you? Ready for the holidays?

To get ready for the holidays I had some wonderful friends over to make and create some fabulous Christmas decorations and of course have a little wine as well!

I got some great inspiration from Pinterest for our decorations. Here were the choices of what each person could make:

Cardstock or Fabric Wrapped Styrofoam Trees!

{YES!!! We had a lot of choices! HA! I think I will narrow it down next year. It was a little crazy and messy around the homestead that night!.....}

I sent an email out to each friend that was coming and told them the supplies that they would need in order to make the decoration. I had some supplies, but seriously...I am not rich people! So I asked everyone to bring a little something as well.

We really had a wonderful time talking, laughing, drinking, eating and creating! What Girls do Best!

Here are a few pics of our final products. Wish I would have captured more!

Some people didn't want to be in the pictures!!!(no hurt feelings..seriously!) So here are their final products:

We really had a wonderful time! I hope to do it again after New Years!
Happy Monday People!


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