Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree....Oh Christmas Tree...

Our Tree(s) have been finished for over a week now, but just haven't gotten my rear in gear to share them with you all! Oh and Yes...I said TREE(S), meaning two. Since the first year of marriage, Christmas trees seem to be the sore subject around here. I have mentioned before that I think my husband likes to decorate for Christmas more than I!

We have had the battle of colored lights vs. white lights. So instead of getting upset every year around this time, we chose to stay married and get TWO trees. One for the Hubs colored lights and a mix of ornaments and one for me with white lights and my elegant vintage ornaments! HA! So thats the story and I'm stickin to it!

This is my Vintage Christmas Tree:

I am in love with all of the old vintage bulbs! I have been collecting vintage ornaments for about 3 years now. I have recieved many of them from family members for presents or just gifts from their attics! I have also found a few from antique shops and ebay.

Aren't they just beautiful!

The tree topper is just gorgeous and a wonderful gift from my mother-in law!

My beautious tree at night:

I love how the colors from the vintage garland really stick out at night!

Ok....on to tree number 2! This tree is a mix of ornaments from when we were young (yes our moms saved them and gave them to us on our First Christmas together...awww!) and a mix of ornaments from traveling. Each time we go on vacation I try to pick up an ornament to save for Christmas. It is always fun getting the ornaments out and saying "Hey remember this trip?!" Many memories around tree number 2!

Yup...its a BIG GUY! 9ft tall this year!

I added a little bling with the gold ribbon. I mean...I had to do something to make this tree look decent in our house! Other than that it is just a hodge podge of ornaments collected throughout our life! Oh...and Yes it does have colored lights for the Hubs!

I must admit it does look pretty at night!

What does your tree look like this year? Do you have a theme?

Linked up: Holiday


  1. I have a vintage ornament tree too! I figured, I might as well before I have a kids tree decorated with the family ornaments! Right there with ya sister. As usual!!

  2. Your husband likes to decorate? Mine likes to watch football while I do all the decorating- but he says he likes what I do! :) I'm ready for my son to start helping:) Thanks for linking up:)


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