Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Easy Elegant Thanksgiving Table

I hope that you all got a little inspiration from yesterday's post. I sure did and I have finally finished my Fall table just in time for company to roll in!

I really love how it turned out. We found these goldish color chargers at Michael's today for only $1.50 each! I was so excited! They really add a little "bling" to the table.

I picked up some Magnolia Leaves from my parent's backyard. I used them as a runner down the middle of the table, but also wrapped them around the candle inside the lantern.

I also created these little napkin ring beauties using burlap and fabric scraps. The golds and browns help bring out the colors around the rim of the plates and tie in the whole goldish theme without going overboard.

I am now ready for the Fall Festivities to arrive! How is your fall decorating coming along?

Linked up at: The Lettered Cottage


  1. It looks absolutely lovely! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Very elegant! That's a great table! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Your table is beautiful, Amy. Looks simple but very elegant. Happy Thanksgiving to you all!...Christine

  4. Happy Thanksgiving. Cute napkin rings. How did you make them? Aren't magnolia leaves great? My tree is blooming right now here in Florida. You used just the right amount of gold.

    Robin Flies South

  5. Such a fresh, inviting table. Love those leaves.If I did those in Kansas, people would say "What are those??" Napkin rings are so cute too. Please do a tutorial on making these!

  6. Your table is "tasty". Love the use of magnolia leaves and those cute napkin rings. Your dishes are gorgeous.
    Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Sarah

  7. Simple but very elegant table...
    enjoy the long holiday weekend!

  8. Hi there, Amy! I think this is the first time I have visited your blog. I'm coming over from BNOTP. Very, very pretty, sleek table! I love the color and texture and form that the magnolia leaves bring to the table. You are so lucky to have access to them! Here in the Kansas City area there are few true magnolia trees to be found. I guess they can't withstand our subzero winter temps. On the corner of our home we have something called a "tulip magnolia" that only blooms for about 5 minutes in May. Weird! We got some really beautiful leaves on it this fall for about 7 days...and then they were gone, too! This tree sure is fickle! Anyhoooooo....great napkin rings! I'm very impressed that you made them! You could easily sell those!!! I hope you and yours enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving Day!


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