Monday, November 14, 2011

DIY Tile Backsplash {Kitchen Reveal}

Speaking of DIY projects.....remember this little teaser I left quite a few posts ago?

Well...I am finally able to show you the whole Kitchen! We are finished for now. There are always things I want to add in every room, but I am pretty happy with how it all
turned out.

Here are a few before pictures so you can get an idea of how the kitchen looked before we added the tile backsplash and new pendants.

Not awful right? But it definitely needed that "pop" of something that I always talk about. Every room needs some sort of statement to really make it your own!

Well here is the progress of the kitchen so far! (please don't judge the pics, it was cloudy like 5 days in a row, so they didn't turn out that great!)




This picture really shows off the new West Elm Globe Pendants above the bar area!
I'm in Love!

I am very happy with how it turned out! It isn't perfect, but neither am I! It was an interesting DIY project to do with my husband. It was a close call for a while...but we ended up staying married! HA! Didn't know that a tile backsplash could take so much time and energy! I am pretty sure that is why most people just hire someone! AH Well...we tried and learned! Maybe in a few years months we will try our hand at tileing the bathrooms! YIKES!



What do you think?

Linked up at: Thrifty Decor Chick's Show your House! 


  1. Oh my I love it! Where did you get your tile from? I so need a backsplash but I am scared out of my pants of doing it myself. I so could use some encouragement:)

  2. So pretty! Don't worry about cleaning for your inlaws...I've heard that they are not fussy!

  3. I love it. I am in the same boat with that 2 inch counter backsplash on my cabinets and am worried about how that would look with a tile backsplash on top, but yours looks great.
    Nice job!

    1. I was concerned too! I am glad it turned out as well as it did. I didn't want to put more money into the kitchen. That would have meant all new counter tops! YIKES! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Good job. I never understood to thinking that home projects are hard on marriages. We just have so much fun together!


  5. Great feature on Thrifty Decor Chick! Your kitchen looks so much like the one I used to have. Your tile has made it look finished and has added so much richness. Wish I had thought of something like this. Great choice!

  6. Love it! A great inspiration for me.

  7. I just used a similar back splash in my kitchen. Laying tiles in mesh is so fun easy and fulfilling.

  8. This is great inspiration for me to tile my kitchen! I love the colors, definitely gives the kitchen a pop!

    1. So glad you stopped by! I am very happy with how the back splash turned out! It really makes this cookie cutter home have a little more character!

  9. Where did you get your pear vases? Those are the cutest things!

    1. They are adorable! I love them! They are from Arhaus, but that was a year or two ago. You would have to check to see if they still have them!


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