Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday Treats #11 {Spring Inspired}

Well we made it to another day folks! Who else is ready for Spring weather? We had more ice last night and schools are either delayed or canceled again today. Who would have thought this much cold weather in NC this year?

So to inspire us and not get us discouraged (because we know Spring IS COMING), let's take a look at my Tuesday Treats....

#1: Spring Party Collection at Target
Oh Joy is an amazing inspiration blog. She writes about entertaining ideas and her home is fabulous and full of fun and color! She just launched her party collection over at Target this week. You will absolutely be inspired to throw a garden party or spring party! Take a look Here.

#2: Free Spring Essentials Printable
Do you remember that adorable Fall Printable that Emily created? Well she just finished her Spring design and I have to say...it is one of my favorites! You can download and print from Here. You can also find her other printables when you sign up Here.

#3: What's Your Spring Style?
Take this Quiz from Lonny to find out your Spring Style! I took the quiz and got "Prom Queen". I always knew I would be a fabulous prom queen! Ha! This is what the quiz said about me....

"When "matching" came back in, you threw a party—cocktail attire required, of course. You revel in a sense of occasion, and never met a dog statue or chandelier (be it Sputnik or crystal) that you didn’t like. Still, you've got a few new decorating tricks up your sleeve: these days, you’re mixing brighter ’80s-inspired colors with those pastel hues and experimenting with black-and-white dazzle camo to make that tufted headboard look especially fresh. "

In the clique: Celerie Kemble
Your new best friend: Less-done animal prints (as in dalmatian).

#4: Spring/Summer Hat Inspiration
I have never met a hat that I didn't like! I have a lot of hats and wear them all at different times of the year. If you follow me on Instagram, you probably saw the picture below while I was at the beach last week. I picked up that adorable beauty for only $5 at the local discount store. I have been more conscious lately about wearing hats while out in the sun. I want to preserve this face for as long as possible. I am already seeing some sun spots and signs of aging. 
If you are getting ready for the spring and summer outdoors then click on the links below and get yourself a fabulous hat!! You deserve it and so does your skin!

#5: Outdoor Spaces
I am sure that all of you are dreaming of your outdoor spaces this week. I am in love with the porch below with its' minty green ceiling and fabulous swing. Doesn't it look like a great place to read a book and sip some tea? I am right there with ya! I have a great board on pinterest called Outdoor Spaces. I love getting inspired for the warmer weather just by going back to that board over and over again. 

Make sure you have a countdown to warmer weather...wherever you may live! It will keep you motivated! If you decide to take the Lonny quiz, leave me a message telling me what your Spring Style is! I would love to know!

Have a marvelous day my friends! 


  1. just saw that Target decor the other day in the store - so cute!! Now we just need the nice weather to come and STAY already ;)

  2. I absolutely adore that Ikea bed! I've wanted a modern 4 poster for such a long time.


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