Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday Treats #10 {Academy Awards Style}

Did you all watch the Academy Awards this weekend? I actually got to sit down with a martini and watch all of the red carpet and most of the awards. After two martini's I just wasn't able to stay awake any longer! (I know I am a weakling these days.)

This week's Tuesday Treats is devoted to the Academy Awards. So if you missed the fun and entertaining show on Sunday, I will try and catch you up with the deets!

1. It wasn't a surprise that Matthew McConaughey won best Actor, but I was surprised by his amazing acceptance speech.  It was one of the best I have heard in a long time. He also ended it with his famous "All right, All right, All right" from his first film "Dazed & Confused."

2. Loved  Pharrell's performance of "Happy".  This blog wrote a great post about the things that inspire her and make her happy and I just fell in love with her writing! You must check it out.

3. Ellen DeGeneres was just as hilarious and entertaining as ever! One of my favorite parts of the night was when she ordered pizza and some random delivery boy thought he was delivering pizza for the backstage workers and ended up helping Ellen pass out pieces of pizza to the stars in the audience. Lucky boy..hope he got a big ole tip! And...who can forget the best selfie ever which ended up crashing twitter for a split second!? 

4. Oh the Fashion that hits the red carpet every year! Last year I did a post about interior design that was inspired by the red carpet fashion. That has been one of my favorite posts to date. Here are some of my favorite's from Sunday night:

5. Fashion Quotes...since we are on the topic of fashion and red carpet, I will end with some of my favorite fashion quotes:


  1. Love the Oscar shout out and all the fantastic fashion quotes! Gives me a little push to *try* to remember that I may be a busy, frantic momma of two - but I should still embrace and honor the woman I am as well.

  2. thanks for the shout out, sweet lady. doesn't that song just make you want to dance? i'm surprised ellen didn't get up on stage with pharrell for that one - seemed like a no brainer. LOVED how lupita nyong'o shook it in her gorgeous nairobi-blue dress though. wish i could've enjoyed the red carpet and martini's with you but maybe next year?! xxx

  3. I read that Charlize Theron's diamonds were valued at $15 million! *dies* I loved Lupita's speech too, especially the "it does not escape me that the joy in my life is due to so much pain in another's" - very eloquent.


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