Friday, November 30, 2012

Holiday Decorating Inspiration

Happy Happy Friday All! Are you as excited about the weekend as I am? Holiday decorating is in full swing at our house and I can't wait to have some time this weekend to get some DIY projects accomplished!

I have both (yes both, don't judge) trees decorated and that is it! I need some decorating inspiration while heading into the weekend. Hopefully it will give me a good kick in the pants to get the rest of the holiday decorations up!



So...have you started your holiday decorating? If not, aren't you inspired to get in gear!?

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Great ideas, Amy. I really like the image via Amanda Carol at Home.
    I started decorating for Christmas earlier this week. My tree is almost done! Yah!
    You haven't visited my blog in a while... I'd love for you stop by when you have a chance.
    Happy decorating!
    ~ Wendi ~

    1. Thanks Wendi! I am sorry I haven't commented on your blog in a while! I have been reading all of your posts through google reader, but just haven't had much time to comment. Now that business has slowed down for the season, I will be more active..I promise! Thanks for always inspiring me with all of your pictures! I truly enjoy reading all of your posts! :)


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