Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Little Organization in the Hubs Office

Don't you love going through piles and piles of papers!? No? Well...the Hubs and I recently tackled the dreaded office closet. I will warn you.... it isn't pretty, but at least it is organized for now!

I happened to open up his office closet doors the other day and my jaw just dropped. I does a space get like this? Well, I do know is called too busy, traveling too much and too many commitments! Uggh!

I have been wanting to get two small filing cabinets that would fit neatly inside of the closet and hidden away. But, have you seen the prices of a two drawer filing cabinet lately? They are like $200 and up! Crazy I tell ya!
So, I was very excited when I found this puppy on sale at Staples last week.

I have been procrastinating buying this cart because it was $59.99. I didn't want to spend sixty dollars on something that was just going to sit in the closet. I found it on sale for $17.50 and I was pumped! It was a little dented, but all the parts were inside, so it came home with me!

The Hubs and I spent 3 hours on Saturday going through all of our files that have just been piled high in the closet for like 4 years! Yup...we have been living in this home for 4 1/2 years! 
Crazy how time flies and piles grow! 

We organized piles into most used files, burn pile, shred pile & files used once in a while. That way we could get rid of what we didn't need and then file the folders according to use. The top folders are more accessible for monthly use and the bottom folders are organized, but don't need to be pulled out all that often.

After all was said and done it went from this to:


Like I said at the isn't that pretty, but we now have some organization to our life!
Doesn't being organized feel so good??

Well off to another closet, but not until I have a glass of wine!


  1. Big fan of your blog! Featured it today on my weekly Pinterest Wednesday post.

  2. I SO know what you mean as far as how good it feels to be organized, Amy. Just despise doing it, ha! This post definitely encourages me to tackle those little things that are piling up, though. :)

    1. You get on those projects! So glad I could inspire someone!


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