Tuesday, July 31, 2012

{Flip Home} Floor Plan Updated

Hello Hello! I have been scrubbing and painting one of our rental properties for like 4 days! Aren't college boys so gross!?? I seriously don't think they cleaned the place the whole year they lived there...Yikes!

Anyways...on to something a little more enjoyable. I introduced you to our new flip property that we have been working on here. And showed you a few of our paint choices for the outside.

(Since this picture a new slate colored roof has been installed..pics to come!)

Below is the original floor plan to this home. It has some great bones to it, but really needs a good face lift.

My brother, who is the contractor on this project, has pretty much changed the look of this property as you can see below in the new floor plan.

We really opened the space up! Rather than a lot of half walls we took them out and now have a totally open plan throughout the living, dining and kitchen spaces. We have also added a small office area and/or family den space. The back space was an addition that we think wasn't permitted, so we tore that down to make room for a fabulous deck which will be great for entertaining! We have also bumped out the master bedroom and master bath/closet about 2 feet which really make it seem much more spacious.

Can't wait to share some inside pictures with you next week! What do you think about the open floor plan?

Friday, July 27, 2012

Answering my Readers- Laundry Storage Solutions

Happy Friday All! Has this week gone as fast for you as it has for me?? I am excited for a weekend of projects and of course some Olympic Games!

Over the past year I have really tried hard to answer my reader's questions. I take a little time out of each day to respond to comments and questions. For some of you, you may never see my answer and that is because you are a no-reply blogger! If you aren't sure how to change that read about it here.

Well.... last week I received a great question from a reader about my laundry closet makeover:

My wife and I love this idea and are using this as inspiration to clean up our laundry room. We usually buy the large size laundry detergents. (The one that lays on it side with a spout hanging over the edge) Do you have any suggestions as to how to possibly hide it so it's not out in the open?

I did look through some great sites to find out how to hide those great big laundry detergents. The first thing that came to mind was to get some kind of large bin that would fit those large detergents in and possibly cut a small hole for the spout to stick through. That way you could still use the large detergent, but also have it hidden behind something pretty like:

I also found this fabulous idea that makes your detergent look a little prettier! Fill a drink dispenser with detergent and use a unique measuring cup! Love it!

If you had room between your washer and dryer I recommend this great organizational system:

Contemporary Storage And Organization design by Taylor Gifts via

For more great Laundry organization tips visit Southern Living- 10 Ways to Organize the Laundry room or Better Homes & Gardens- Laundry Room Storage Solutions.

And...if you missed my laundry closet makeover, hop on over here!

Have a wonderful weekend and try to stay cool!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

{DIY} Scrappy Tutu

On Monday I announced that I have a new little niece that I am just in love with. I have been waiting for a girl to arrive in our family for quite sometime. We are so glad she is here!

I found some great inspiration from Pinterest a while back. I thought this Tutu was just adorable and I knew that as soon as someone had a baby girl that I was up for the challenge.

Here is what I needed for the project:
Sorry for the poor pictures, my camera was dead at the time!

* Some extra fabric
* 1 1/2 inch elastic
* Rotary cutter
* Straight edge ruler for cutting

Using my rotary cutter, I cut each fabric into one inch stripes. I started out with only 4 stripes of each fabric. I had five different fabric designs all together. I ended up cutting 6 stripes of each fabric by the end of the project, making 30 stripes altogether. You can cut them as long as you want. I ended up making mine about 14 inches long so that I could fold them and double up on the fabric to give it a bit of a fuller skirt.

I cut the elastic band large enough to fit a 3 month old. I used a pair of Lexi's pants to help me gauge the size. Then I sewed the ends together leaving a 1/2 inch of elastic after the stitching. (See Below)

I then separated the ends and folded them down to touch the elastic band. and stitched each end.

I went over the stitching a few times just to make sure it was going to hold.

Then I started taking the stripes of fabric and tying them onto the elastic band. After experimenting for a few minutes, I realized that a slip knot was the best way to tie the fabric onto the elastic.

I did trim the ends a bit off the bottom, but left all the edges unfinished for a bit of a country, rustic look.

And...the final product:

This project cost me about $8.00. 
$12.00 for the fabric
$4.00 for the elastic
50% off JoAnn's Coupon

Man...I am in deep Tutu if I ever have a little girl! 
Shopping and creating for little girls is so much fun!

Happy Hump Day!

Linked up at: Tatertots & Jello and LizMarie Blog, The Artsy Girl

Home Stories A2Z
TDC Before and After

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

What's new at {Pottery Barn}?

Have you noticed that Pottery Barn is rockin it lately? I mean...they always have wonderful items, but I am really loving some of their new inventory this month.

How about these beautiful glass base lamps!? I love how the light really brings out the bright colors in each lamp.

Can't go wrong with some Ikat in the bedroom!

These Suzani Plates are perfect for any season. Pair them with brown or orange for Fall and green or yellow for Spring! 

Casual Kilim floor seating for any family space!

Neat Rustic USA Panel Art for an office or bonus area.

Neutral Moroccan Scroll Area Rug for any space in your home!

I am really loving this rustic console with lots of storage compartments. If only I had a place for it!

This beautifully tufted ottoman with nail head trim needs a place in my home! HA!
How about the soft Beni Rug? I think these two pieces make this space!

What do you think about Pottery Barn's new line of furniture and accessories? 

Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm Back!...Did you miss me?

It has been over 3 weeks since I posted on this little ole blog of mine. I sure missed all of you and am glad to be back!

I have literally been all over the world.....

We took a 2 week vacation to Europe with my in laws. It was pretty darn amazing! Here are just a few places that we visited:

Listened to Big Ben

Said Hello to William & Kate! 

Viewed Westminster's Beauty

Took a Canal Cruise in Amsterdam

Drank some Beer in Germany

Took a cable car down the Swiss Alps

Took in the view of the Eiffel Tower

Hopefully More posts and pics to come of my finds in Europe!

We were back for one day, still recovering from jet-leg, when I got a phone call at 4am saying that my sister-in law was in the hospital about ready to have her second baby. That meant that I had to go and help out with my 2 year old nephew.

Caiden and I had a blast playing games, eating ice cream and even had a dinner and movie night!

We also welcomed Alexis Joy to our family! We love her to pieces!

So that is where I have been. I am pumped to be back with all of you and show you some project that will be going on around here over the next few weeks.
I have also reached over 100 followers....so that means a giveaway will be coming up in the next week. So stay tuned!!

Thanks for being some fabulous readers! Here is to a wonderful Monday!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Designer Crush {Katie Rosenfeld}

Katie Rosenfeld has such an unique and amazing style!

She is the master at combining different colors and patterns to create fabulous spaces. I love how she adds a little something unexpected to each room. 

So....are you totally crushing like me!? For more of her design style and ideas visit Katie's site here
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