Thursday, June 21, 2012

Seriously Obsessed with CHIP IT!

Okay, so many of you who have been following me for a while know that I had a bit of trouble making a decision on a paint color for the entryway.

Well...I have found an amazing site from Sherwin-Williams that helps you find the right colors from inspiration on the web. It is SOOO easy! I can't believe I didn't know about this earlier. It would have saved me many trips to the paint store and a lot of money as well. I mean....I think I bought at least 11 paint samples for the hallway and at a price of at least $5-$10 a piece. Okay, I don't want to think about it!

So how many of you have been hiding Chip It from me? Huh? Are you guilty?

This website is a lot like Pinterest in that you drag the "Chip It" button to your tool bar and when you come across a picture or photograph that inspires you, drag the chip it button to the picture and let the colors load. You can then save it to different Chip It cards or Share your inspiration with friends. It's that easy! (Don't worry they also give you a tutorial if you go here.)

I am warning you ahead of time....It is ADDICTING! So watch out!

Here are a few color books that I have recently created:

Of course I had to add one of my Designer Crushes to the mix. {Amie Corley}

I know you are all probably sick of seeing my Front Door, but I wanted to see what color was closest to Calypso Blue by Benjamin Moore.

So what do you think? Have you already known about this site? (shame on you for not sharing!)

Tell me what pictures, paintings or photographs have inspired your paint colors!


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