Thursday, March 22, 2012

Entryway Progress

One more day till the weekend! I don't know about you, but I have to make a countdown each week. It helps keep me motivated and moving toward a goal. I am looking forward to finishing up the painting in the entryway this weekend.

I have made a little progress. The wainscoting has been primed, sanded and one coat of paint!

I also bought this beauty:
A Martha Stewart Special from Home Depot.

I found this fabric on Hawthorne Threads for the bench seat cushion:

I have had such a hard time finding a rug for the entryway because it has weird dimensions. So I am thinking of ordering these carpet tiles from FLOR. I like the herringbone pattern in them and I can also lay them in parquet style for a little more of a weave.

The dimensions are perfect and I can always add more tiles if needed. I also love that these tiles can endure "HEAVY" traffic. This is the meeting and entering place of our home. Where we track in dirt, grass....etc. I need a rug to be quite durable!

So that is where I am at. I am  hoping to have all of the painting done this weekend so I can share my color choice with all of you on Monday.

P.S. I forgot to mention that yesterday was my 100th post! I have enjoyed writing each and every post for all  of you lovelies! Thanks for reading and supporting Eat.Sleep.Decorate!

Here's to a Productive Thursday!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Oh I {Heart} Martha

You guessed it...I am talking about THEE Martha Stewart.

(Quick side note: When I was growing up in NY, my dentist was Martha Stewart's brother! No Lie! He even had her signed pictures up in his office. I thought I was so cool and would tell all of my friends. Pretty cool huh? I know you are all jealous! HA!)

One of my favorite items for my giveaway last week were the fabulous Chalk Board Labels. Martha has an awesome new office line at Staples. All of her items are also reasonably priced. There are so many wonderful items to help organize not just your home office, but closets, pantries, drawers, etc.

Check out some of my favorite items from Martha's new line:

What do you think about all that fabulous organization? Are you ready to run to Staples?

I think Staples was very smart in letting Martha advertise her office line! I know that I will be using a lot of her items because they are reasonably priced. I love The Container Store, but really have a hard time justifying the prices there. I walk out of that store broke! The prices won't stop me from going, however I can just run down the street to Staples and find some beautiful organization for half the price as well!

Monday, March 19, 2012

{My Weekend} According to Instagram

If you haven't heard of Instagram, it is a photo sharing App that allows you to take pictures, filter and transform the look of each picture and then enables you to share your pictures with other social media sites. I enjoyed playing around with it this weekend!

So enjoy my weekend according to Instagram:

Cinnamon Rolls for St. Patty's Breakfast

Enjoyed some "me" time playing Su Doku while sitting in the Sun!

"Chatterbox" our cat, enjoyed having everyone home this weekend!

Yep...more paint swatches for the entryway. You will be happy to know that I finally picked a color! Hope to show you by the weekend!

Went through our Master Bedroom closet and gave 6 bags to Goodwill! Yahoo!

Watched A LOT of NCAA basketball.

Drank some "green" beer for St. Patrick's Day!!

Caulked all of the wainscoting in the entryway.
(I have decided that caulking is NOT my favorite DIY!)

And...I enjoyed taking a few walks looking at all the gorgeous flowering trees that have started to bud here in the Carolinas! 

Overall, a relaxing, productive, warm and gorgeous weekend!

How about you? What did all you beauties do this weekend?

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Game of Tag......

I am flattered that I have been chosen by the lovely Wendi @ Classic Chic Home to play a round of blog tag! This game has been passed on from blogger to blogger over the past year and it is my turn to be "IT"!!

You must post the rules.
Answer the 11 questions presented to you by your tagger.
Create 11 questions to ask the bloggers you plan to tag.
Tag the 11 people and link them in your post.
Let them know you've tagged them.

My Answers to Wendi's 11 Questions: 

1.      What three words (or short phrases) do you think best describe you? Determined, Fun & Creative

2.      If you moved and could only take one thing with you from your current home, what would it be? This was a hard one...I would have to say my great-grandmother's antique couch that now sits in the dining room. I know it is a large piece of furniture, but it has been in the family for generations and is priceless to me!

3.      What do you do badly that you wish you could do better? I am a horrible speller! I am so thankful to whomever created spell check!  I wish I could go back to K-4th and re-learn all the spelling rules!

4.      What is the one thing that your favorite design blogs all have in common? One thing that all the design blogs have in common would be that they are REAL people. I love seeing their homes transform, but also like to see what is going on in their own lives and that their homes are not picture perfect all the time.

5.      Do you have a more introverted or a more extroverted personality? Even though I do like my own space and quiet time, I would have to say that I am more extroverted. I love a good party! I am constantly entertaining, on the phone and when I am at the store, I am always making conversation with others around me.

6.      On average, how much time do you spend on your computer each day? Oh geez. Well since I switched careers from teaching to the business world,  I am definitely on my computer A LOT more. I would say at least 5 to 6 hours a day.

7.      What is the one physical quality that you like most about yourself? My laugh. I am told by some, that once I start laughing it is hard for others not to laugh because it is contagious!

8.      What did you want to be when you grew up? Believe it or not I always wanted to be a decorator or some kind of designer. I decided to go into the teaching roll, but maybe someday I can still help others decorate their homes.

9.      What is one decorating style that you love to look at, but could not live with in your own home? I really love that Hollywood Glam look with mirrored pieces, rich bold colors, and fabulous textures. It just wouldn’t happen in my little suburban home.

10.  What other design blog do you feel is most similar in style and content to your own? I think there are a lot of blogs that have similar ideas as mine, but I don’t believe any one particular blog is like mine compared to style and content. I take on a little of everything! 

11.  How long did it take you to write this post? I was able to answer most questions within 20 minutes. However, finding pictures and creating my own questions as well as coming up with 11 other bloggers that want to join along….ummm a week! HA! But, enjoyed the whole process!

My Questions for the next round of Tag!: 

1. What is your favorite DIY project that you have accomplished?

2. If you could have the skills of any designer or cook, who would it be?

3. What is your favorite color scheme?

4. One thing that we might not know about you is...

5. What do you miss most about being a child?

6. What does your ideal Friday Night look like? BE HONEST! 

7. What is one beauty product you could never live without?

8. What is your favorite season and why?

9. If you could travel anywhere and money wasn't a factor, where would you go?

10. What is one design mess in your home?

11. One goal you have for your blog in 2012 is...

Now to the next 11 bloggers.....TAG YOUR IT!

3.Celeste@ Raleighweds
4.Hani@ Craftionary
7. Amy@The B-line
9. LizMarie@ LizMarieBlog
10. Kim@Sand&Sisal
11. Heather @{Twenty}Something

Thanks for the Tag Wendi ! That was a fun time!
Happy Weekend All!

    Thursday, March 15, 2012

    For the Love of...

    Pink and Navy

    I have been inspired by this color combination for a while. I pretty much like any color paired with Navy, but Hot pink really takes the cake!

    Like I have said before, I would love to have enough rooms in my house to create a different color combination for each space! I LOVE color!

    I absolutely adore this elegant table setting! 
    How gorgeous is that soft pink paired with those Chevron napkins?

    Mary McDonald via Veranda via

    Hope you enjoyed a little bit of eye candy! I think I might go out and buy an outfit with this color combination, since I have no place for it in our house!

    You know what tomorrow is?? FRIDAY!

    Wednesday, March 14, 2012

    {DIY} Jewelry Box


    Last week I was given a challenge by Cassie at Hi Sugarplum! Her challenge was to find something on pinterest, create it, then share it with the blogosphere! Now, you might think that is an easy task, but no way! Have you seen how many awesome DIY ideas there are out there? Absolutely thousands of ideas big and small. And, for someone who has been so indecisive lately...ummm PROBLEM!

    I looked through my pinterest boards and I just wasn't feeling them. I needed the project to be simple, cheap, but would make a great impact once completed.....that's when my dad entered the picture. (What? Dad? What does he have to do with pinterest?)

    My dad happened to send me a link to a DIY blogger that had a fabulous posting on making a Jewelry Box out of an old book! I was so taken with the project. I knew this was the one for me!!!

    Sincerely, Kinsey is a wonderful blog about DIY, Fashion & Photography. I love finding new blogs to follow...don't you?? Definitely check her out when you get a chance!

    So I dove right into the project without turning back.

    Materials Needed:
    Old Book, Exacto knife, Mod Podge, Small Paint Brush, Pencil, Hot Glue Gun & Silk flowers of your choice.

    1. Open the book and draw a rectangle leaving 1/2-1  inch border all the way around the book.
    2. Next, using your exacto knife cut a rectangle using the lines already drawn. (You will repeat this step multiple times because of the thickness of the book)
    3. You will notice that your book pages won't line up exactly.  I think it gives it a bit of a vintage look!
    4. Once you have cut all the way through, leave the cover to book up and start Mod Podging every few pages together as well as the outside of the pages and inside of the newly made box.
    5. Using your Hot Glue Gun, glue some fake or dried flowers to the top of the book.
    6. Once the Mod Podge is dry, you may add some beautiful jewelry to make this project complete!

    What do you think? Pretty Easy? It was a fun project and one I will enjoy on my dresser for a long while! Thanks for the idea Dad!

    **For more DIY ideas visit my Pinterest Boards or if you aren't a Pinterest member, shoot me an email so I can tell you how to join!!**

    Linking Up at: Hi Sugarplum! & The Artsygirl Connection &

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    Library Light Love...

    I have come across so many spaces lately that have the Boston Functional Library Light.

    Isn't it wonderful?! It comes in 4 finishes (Antique Nickel, Bronze, Polished Nickel & Hand-Rubbed Antique Brass) This particular light from Circa Lighting  only moves up and down slightly. But the light below is from Visual Comfort and is able to move out and over as well! (HA! Does that make sense?)

    They don't look that much different except that the arm is a little longer and more flexible on the second light.

    I really think I am in love with these lights. They add a little history to any space and are sleek and (in my opinion) sexy! I am debating on possibly saving up for two of them to go above the mirror in our master bathroom. Of course, that makeover will probably not even happen till the end of Summer. But a girl can dream, can't she?

    Here are some spaces where these fabulous lights are displayed:

    source unknown

    Martha Stewart Living

    I think they would be darling in a kids room hanging over two single beds!

    What do you think? Yeah or Nay?
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