Monday, September 8, 2014

{DIY} Colorful Umbrellas

This post is just perfect to start this raining week here in NC! We are literally going to see rain everyday. I am not very excited about that, but it will help me stay inside and get some projects finished.

I have seen some great umbrella inspiration around the web lately.

photo 1-Originial photo taken by Studio DIY for ScotchBlue

It got my wheels turning and I decided to try my hand at painting a couple of umbrellas using ScotchBlue TM Original Painter's Tape. Studio DIY for ScotchBlue had a great tutorial on how to paint her fruit umbrellas, so I used their ideas and expanded a bit to create my own.

Supplies Needed:
*Umbrellas (I got mine at Target)
*ScotchBlue TM Originial Painter's Tape
*Acrylic Paint
*Textile Medium
*Foam Brushes

Strawberry Umbrella Steps:
* Start by taping off the green stems of the strawberry with ScotchBlue TM Painter's Tape.
*Mix one part textile medium to two parts green paint.
*Using your foam brush, paint green stem. (Because my green paint seemed a little thin, I had to paint three coats.)
*Using a small paint brush or Q-tip add the yellow seeds sporadically around the umbrella.
*Peel the ScotchBlue TM Painter's Tape off the umbrella and WHA-LA!

Lime Umbrella Steps:
***I used the same directions for Studio DIY's Lemon Umbrella. It was a bit time consuming, but I think it turned out better than the strawberry!

What do you all think? Wouldn't these be a fun Pinterest party project? So glad I finished these little beauties, so I can actually use them in the monsoon we are having today! Happy Monday All! 

**ScotchBlue TM Painter's Tape sent me the tape to complete this project. However, all opinions are my own and additional products used in this project were selected by me.**

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday Treats #22 {Inspiration from around the web}

How are you all holding up today? We have officially took a dive into September. I know for some of you this is bittersweet. Saying good bye to summer is hard, but craving for more of a routine is a must.  Some kids have started back to school today which gives some of my mama friends a bit of a break during the day, but creates chaos in the evenings for homework and activities. Thinking of you all today!

As usual I have been scouring the web for some amazing inspiration as well as fun DIY's that you all might like to try. Here are some of my favorites from this week:

**As a courtesy, please Pin from original source found at the bottom of each photo. ***

#1: DIY Marble Tray
How adorable is this colored tray? Can you believe that my friend Jen made this in less than 10 minutes with nail polish? I think this might be a fun girls night DIY. What do you all think?

#2: Easy Piping Tutorial
Last week my mother-in law was in town. She is the queen of sewing..seriously! We worked on making the pillow below for the dining room. It was my first time adding professional piping! It is easier than it looks my friends. Make sure you go Barbara Huber Designs and follow the instructions. So helpful!

#3: Teen Office Nook
My friend Claire knocked out this adorable little teen office nook using wallternative decals. I love how she styled this whole little space. For the full post click over HERE

#4: Modern Farmhouse
Okay my MUST take a tour of this gorgeous modern farmhouse. H2 Design and Build seriously knocked this out of the park. I love each and every space and I guarantee you won't be disappointed. So grab your coffee and soak in all the fabulousness!

#5: Tomato Salad with Peach & Burrata
I absolutely love following this blog. She always has such great inspirational pictures of everyday life and shares great insight into motherhood. Last week she shared this amazing recipe that I think is a must try. Peach & tomato season are ending soon!

Hope you all caught our blog hop yesterday! If not, make sure you stop on over to see all the wonderful projects created by these ladies: Sarah, Mary & Brittany

Monday, September 1, 2014

Laboring Away Blog Hop {Good-bye Summer..Hello Fall Tablescape}

I hope you all are having a fabulous long weekend. Can you believe that summer is coming to an end? It always seems bittersweet to me. I love summer, but am usually very ready for fall to come. The cooler weather brings color, football, texture, warmth and naps on the couch!

Today, I am honored to be a part of a fun blog hop featuring these amazing ladies:

Each of us are sharing a DIY that we have currently tackled. Make sure to hop on over to each blog for a special DIY as well as lots of won't be disappointed! Sarah from 702 Park Project, Mary from Lemon Grove Blog and Brittany from Brittany French. Some talented ladies!

Today I am sharing a "So Long Summer, Hello Fall" Tablescape. Since I am a HUGE fan of mexican food, I decided to create a sort of nacho bar theme. And the real reason...I have been dying to use my plates and bowls from Mexico!

All of the bright colors still remind me of summer, but the added texture with the napkin ring and place mat overlay bring in a bit of fall. The green place mat is actually a napkin draped over the side of the table. The little overlay was made on my Silhouette and I love how it adds another layered element. Can you believe that those navy and white striped napkins are actually paper napkins from target? Yep! The sunflowers also say summer, but the burnt red color says fall.

I am loving the mix of both seasons. How about you? Are you sad to see summer go or are you excited for the season ahead?

Don't forget to stop by and see what these lovely ladies have created.... Sarah, Mary & Brittany
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