Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday Treats #14 {Inspiration from around the web}

Hello Hello! Hope you all are having a great day. Thank you so much for your sweet comments on yesterday's post. It is always hard to press the publish button when it is something personal, but you all make me feel special and not alone!

We are back today with some fun ideas and inspiration from around the web. Here are my top 5 of the week!

#1: Painting with Straws
Emily shared her super easy painting idea with kids this past week. I am in love with the idea...heck I might even try it by myself! I love how you can create fun abstract art for cheap!

#2: HGTV Smart Home
I am sure many of you remember when I featured HGTV's Dream home this past January. Well HGTV is back with another fabulous giveaway in Nashville! Their gorgeous smart home has all the bells and whistles of an energy efficient home. You can enter to win twice daily Here. Go Here for more pictures & Info.
A few pictures to get you drooling:

#3: Japanese Birthday Party for Little Girls
Oh My Gosh...this is the most precious thing. My friend Courtney threw her little girl a party. Not just any party... but a Japanese themed party. Take a look at all the details Here. She is the coolest mama! 

#4: A Fabulous Kitchen {Before & After}
Y'all know that I am a sucker for a good before and after. Well this one definitely doesn't disappoint. Take a look at Shea's fabulous kitchen makeover! Someday I will have a white Kitchen...someday.

#5: The BEST Strawberry Pie...ever!
Well at least I think it is the best. Since it is strawberry season here in NC, I have started making pies and jams. I love this time of year! If you have been following this blog from the beginning of time, then you might remember my Mama's Strawberry Pie recipe. It is super simple and the most delicious thing I have tasted! Just add a HUGE dollop of whip cream and you are set to go!

Any fun ideas, recipes or home tours I need to know about? Have a great rest of your day! 


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