Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Top Tips for Keeping Organized in the New Year

How many of you have resolved to stay organized in the New Year? Me too! The one thing that I hear from a lot of reader's is knowing where to start. If you open your closets, stand in your kitchen or walk into your children's room you may feel quite overwhelmed and have a hard time finding what to organize first.

For me it is tackling those piles of paperwork that need to be filed or going through old photographs and/or magazines. Paper seems to pile up everywhere I look!

Today I am partnering with HSN and their re:fresh program to help you stick with your resolution of organizing your home and staying organized throughout the year. They have asked me to share my top tips for organizing with all of you. I hope at least one of these tips inspires you to get started!

1. Sorting Paper Clutter:
I know that I am starting with a hard one, but believe me I have a hard time with this one as well! If the piles around your house have an organized spot, then that is half the battle. Think of how much paper floats around the house and takes up space!
First, go from room to room collecting your piles and start by separating your paperwork into categories and throwing away anything that you don't need. Stack those categories into separate piles and mark them by either using large paper holders or a simple metal filing system like below:

Create file folders for each category that you will need. Example: Bank Statements, Taxes, Warranties, etc. Once a quarter make an effort to file the papers away where they need to go. Some of you are thinking "that would take forever" and it just might, but who really wants to file paperwork weekly or monthly? Not me! So start somewhere whether tackling the mail daily or weekly. Your sanity will thank you.

2. Bins and Baskets are your BEST FRIENDS!
I have said this many times, but if you want your house to look organized (even if it might not be perfect) you will want to run out and grab some bins and baskets for organization. They can work in any room throughout your home and you can find them in any price range based on your budget.

3. Label, Label, Label...
Need I say more? If you have a bin or file folder sitting on the drop spot of the kitchen and you keep telling your husband he needs to put the mail in one and the kids school work in the other, will he really remember? Yeah...didn't think so! So it is important to have everything labeled so the whole family is on the same page and it doesn't hurt that it looks nice too!

These Free printable labels are some of my favorites which I used in our Laundry Closet Makeover. There are so many free labels around the web...just search them out or make your own!

4. Use What You Have Around The House
Before you go spending hundreds of dollars on organizational items, check around the house for items that could function in the same way for free!

Baking sheets as clutter catchers in shallow desk drawers.

Use PVC pipes as shoe organizers in your entryway/mudroom.

Cereal boxes and craft paper as drawer dividers.

Source Unknown
Use coffee cans to sort mail and paperwork.

Organize your beauty brushes with a vase and some decorative pebbles or beads. 

5. Get Everyone Involved
If you aren't the only one that lives in your home, everyone should share in the wealth (and chores). Put your family members to work! Believe it or not, even little kids love to help around the house.

Create a "drop spot" for the kids (and even for the husband) where they can hang up their backpacks and file away their teacher notes each day.

Give each member of the family a number which will keep them accountable for their own towels, laundry baskets, shoe bins, lunch bags, etc.

I love this idea of creating a chore list for the family each day!

How about picture labels to help the little kiddos properly put their toys away?

6. Organizing Tasks that take between 15-30mins
We are all busy busy busy. We don't always have time to create a beautifully organized closet or rummage through our attic with bins and labels. So why not make a list of tasks that can be done in a shorter time frame? That way you will feel like you are accomplishing something without feeling overwhelmed.

Here are a few tasks that would take less than 30 minutes:

*Pick a Drawer..any drawer! Go through it by tossing items that don't belong, placing certain items in a separate box for Goodwill and then putting everything else back in a neat manner.

*Clean Out Fridge One day throw out expired foods and wipe down the drawers and shelves. On a different day categorize remaining food by type and label food containers with expiration dates using a sharpie or Washi tape. 

*Have I worn it in a year? Keep a basket in or near your closet and toss those items that you haven't worn in a year and aren't planning on wearing again. Once your basket is full it is time for a Goodwill run or why not have a clothing swap party with all of your girlfriends!? Make it a fun night of wine, appetizers and acquiring new outfits from friends!

*Email Clean-out Delete spam and old emails. Unsubscribe from unnecessary Social Media sites. Reply to anything that needs a quick response. 

7. My Go-To Organizing Items
You all might think I am totally crazy, but I could talk and talk about organizing till you were asleep! Seriously! I love keeping an organized home as much as I can. It really does keep stress levels down when you know where an item is and it's a calming feeling when everything has a place. Please know that my home is not always organized! I promise. In fact, as I am typing this post my kitchen sink is piled high, there is a three inch thick pile of bills that need to be filed and my outside Christmas lights are still hanging on the bushes. But, I try and at least organize something each day whether big or small.
Below are some of my favorite organizational items from around the web that have helped me stay organized.


So...are you ready to get started with that New Year's Resolution? What are you going to tackle first??

To help you HSN is also motivating us with a kick start called re:fresh 2014. Whether your resolution is to stay organized, get fit, finally take that vacation, become a better cook or refresh your fashion & beauty sense, HSN has some fabulous tips and tools. They are also giving away 15 prize packs valued up to $500 each to help inspire you for the New Year. All you have to do is click on over to their re:fresh 2014 page, fill out your info and start pinning! If you are anything like me, you are constantly on pinterest why not have a chance to win some fabulous prizes while pinning tips and tricks for 2014!?

I hope you all are having a great week! See you back here tomorrow! 

***This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of HSN and their re:fresh campaign. All opinions and organizing ideas are 100% mine!***

Linked at: Liz Marie Blog


  1. great tips! thank you, amy, i'm ready to tackle my mess of a house! ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Aren't they the best! Throw items in just before guests and the room is organized and clean! :)


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