Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Touch of Color in an Unexpected Place

A few months ago I did a post on things I was diggin at the time. One specific DIY project kept coming back to me and I knew the perfect spot on where to try it out.

When you walk in our front door there isn't much of an entryway. The stairs are to the right, dining room to the left and straight ahead is the hallway that takes you to the kitchen and family room area. There are two doors down this hallway. One is the half bathroom door and the other is the kitty's room. Ya know...it's kind of like the kitty's half bathroom. I have never been happy with this idea..but...here is honestly no other place for it in our house and I am NOT having a litter box in my bathroom. So...it will do for now. (back on topic..please!) Because both of these little rooms are used multiple times a day, the doors always seem to be open.

That has drove me nuts....that is until I figured out what to do! Using my inspiration picture from this post, I decided I was going to paint a pop of color on the edge of the doors. So when you walked into the house, if the doors were open, you would get a surprise. I had in my mind that this would make me happy rather then seeing those plain old doors open!

There are many colors in our main living area, but I decided to pull out a fun yellow to try. The color is called Bee by Sherwin Williams.  It is a bright yellow with a hint of brown undertones making it a light mustard color...well so I thought. But once it went on I knew it was the WRONG color.

Do you agree? It was just a little too yellow for my liking. It might look cute in a kids room or a fun back mudroom, but this color would be front and center when you walked in = no good.

I couldn't figure out what fun color to use that wouldn't be too crazy for the eye, so I settled on a darker color that would bring out that charcoal in the eat-in kitchen area rug. The color....Urbane Bronze by Sherwin Williams. (I had this color on hand because I think I might paint the Hubs Desk this color.)

It isn't like WHAM BAM once you enter, but the subtle interest does surprise the guests and makes me one happy lady to see some color instead of an all white edge. (I'm a little nuts..I know!)

What do you all think? Would you ever try this in your own home? The inspiration picture below is certainly one of my favorites! 

I might have to try a pop of color in another room, it just didn't quite work out in the entry. 
Ah..well! On to another DIY!


  1. I love this idea! I've been toying around with painting some interior doors black, but maybe I'll just start with the edge of the doors. Neat idea!

    1. I do love the look of black interior doors as well. I am a little scared to try them because we won't be staying in this house for a long time. I want to make sure I can resell quickly in need be. I do think the black looks very classy and really does add character to the home!

  2. What a fun idea Amy, if I had the right kind of doors I would do this in a heartbeat!

    1. Thanks Laurie! Gotta love inspiration from pinterest!

  3. I kind of liked the yellow! It was an unexpected surprise, but I do like Urbane Bronze also. I have that mirror and love it.
    Nice touches!
    xo Nancy

    1. Thanks Nancy! I know..I totally chickened out on the yellow. Just wasn't feeling it, but it would look fabulous somewhere else. I might just have a spot for that yellow! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. So pretty! I love the touch of grey but I kinda liked the yellow too. I painted our WHOLE front door coral (inside the house). You should check it out.


    Stephanie @ thestyledsoul.com

    p.s. Love your new banner!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! Just checked out your coral door and I am in love!


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