Monday, December 31, 2012

{New Years} Inspiration

We have decided not to have a large New Years Party this year, but boy do I love decorating and getting ready to have friends over to ring in the New Year.

I just had to show you a few ideas and inspiration pictures that might be "Pin" worthy!

Happy New Year's "Eve" Everyone!

It's been great 2012!!

Can you really believe it is the last day of the year? As I look back on this year I feel somewhat content, unsettled, motivated and blessed all in one!! It has been a whirlwind.

I am so very thankful to have all of you supporting me as I ramble each day. It has been a successful blogging year and I have enjoyed each minute of it. I have now been blogging for a year and a half and the friends I have made through all of this.... are priceless!

For those of you who are new followers here are some of my top posts and projects from this year:

Adding Wainscoting to my entryway makeover 

Added a Fresh New Color to my Front Door

Gave you a peek into some of my master bedroom updates

Taught you all a quick and easy DIY- Chalk Painted Chargers

And...the number one post on my blog in 2012 was.....

Go figure...I guess everyone likes to do laundry! :)

I wish you all a happy and healthy 2013!  

Linked up with Tatertots&Jello

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Brown Paper Packages Tied up with....

STRINGS!! These are a few of my favorite things!

How many of you were singing along with me!? Well I am sure you can guess what I am up to today and tomorrow....yep wrapping! I actually love to wrap presents. My back might not like it by the weekend, but it will just have to deal!

Below are some of my favorites from around the web this year. I have also added the link below each picture. Some of these links will take you to some FREE printable labels if you are in need!

Happy Wrapping All!

As you can see I am all about simplicity with my wrapping this year. Seems like that season in life. 

Which inspiration pic is your favorite!? Are you going to try some of these free labels? too!
Happy Hump Day All!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New Flip/Investment House {Before Pics}!!

Well I am excited to tell you that we closed on our last investment home last week and we are already on to the next project! This time we scaled it down in size in hopes of getting this little project done shortly after the holidays.

Isn't she a cutie!? This colonial style home was built in 1986 and is in pretty good shape. There are three decent size bedrooms and two full bathrooms. She needs a full paint job (inside & out), new back deck, landscaping, new kitchen and some new replacement siding.

Such lovely wallpaper....someone loved fruit and yellow!

Pretty small kitchen, but with a little paint, new counter tops and appliances I think she will shine!

Pretty good size family room with french doors leading out onto the back deck. 
Fireplace needs a little somethin- somethin as well!

We are getting excited to dive into this cutie! Do you have any suggestions on how to make this house a home without going over the top?

Monday, December 17, 2012


Having a hard time writing much of anything today. It is hard to be inspired when a lot more is on my mind. My heart and my prayers go out too all those hurting this time of year. Whether it be from last Friday's tragedy or something going on in your own life....know you are not alone!

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have trouble and suffering, but take courage – I have conquered the world.” -John 16:33

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hot Cocoa Station

It is finally starting to cool down here and feel a little more like winter! The cooler weather makes me want to cozy up and watch some Christmas movies while drinking some Hot Cocoa.
If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I have been working on creating a Hot Cocoa station right in my kitchen so I can have all the ingredients in front of me!

It is nothing fancy, but it does bring a little more holiday into the kitchen! I had the two large glass containers that I got at HomeGoods last year. I filled one with marshmallows and the other with small and large candy canes. I just bought the small cocoa container for $1.99 at Marshalls. I also used a small bowl that I bought at Anthropologie last year to house the mints and a small canning jar for the straws.

Yes..I finally caved and bought these birch straws from Antropologie. 124 count for only $8.00 plus free shipping! HAD to have them!

I like how the station tucks nicely next to the coffee pot! 

Oh MAN do I love this time of year!

Linked up at: A Thoughtful Place 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

It's Beginning to look a lot like.....

well doesn't look a lot like Christmas here in NC because it has been in the 70's this week! But, my house is starting to look like Christmas at least. I am pretty much done with my decorating except my mantel. I went to cut some magnolia leaves off of my mom's tree the other day and just haven't made the time to use them. Hopefully you will get to see a peek before Christmas day!

On the outside of the house I kept it very simple this year. A boxwood wreath from Trader Joes and I added a little burlap ribbon and some white popcorn berries I found in Charleston, SC. I also placed my two lanterns with some greenery around them and added some small colorful bulbs to the inside. 

This antique sled was my dad's when he was a little boy. I was going to paint it red this year, but decided to leave it looking rustic and natural.

When you enter the home you automatically run into this beauty! It puts a smile on my face as soon as I walk in the front door. I am in love with my ruffled skirt and all of those vintage ornaments I have collected throughout the years. 

Also right inside the doorway I updated my Z-gallerie boots! I took out the umbrellas and added a little Christmas cheer!

As you can see from this picture we have TWO trees. I described this to all of you Last Year. I like to have my pretty tree and the Hubs likes his colorful tree which I really try to make pretty!

Not too bad...right? (The yellow burlap ribbon is from here.)

Here is my little table vignette in the dining room. I love the cloches and the sheet music garland!

This is my favorite lamp in the house. Not because it is totally stylish, but because I can change the inside of the glass area with each season. For winter I created a little woodland landscape with moss, trees & stumps.

Here in the kitchen I added a little Christmas cheer by taking down my valence and adding some greenery and mercury ornaments. I also purchased some wooden letters from JoAnn Fabrics that were already pre-painted. Dishes aren't so bad around the holidays when you can look at this! 

And a little outside shot of the front at night!

How is your holiday decorating going? Are you totally done or have you just started!?

Linked up: Southern Hospitality & ThriftyDecorchick & A Thoughtful Place & The Nester
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