Friday, September 30, 2011

Fab Friday

Hello all you fabulous followers! It is finally Friday! What do you have going on over the weekend?? I have a Super Duper DIY with the Hubs this weekend. We will either do an awesome job.....or we'll be living in separate houses by Monday! (just kidding....well kinda HA!)

Just a hint........the project is in the kitchen and will need 24 hours to set? Can you guess?

Tune in next week to have a look!

Here is some "bling" to get your weekend started right! I was feeling in the Fall mood, since it is going to drop 20 degrees tonight, and decided to compare some pillows to scarves! Enjoy!

                  Wool Scarf                                        Knotted Felt Pillow Cover

                         Zebra Pillow Cover                                 Brown & White Zebra Scarf


   Red and Gray Scarf                                         Prism Pillow Cover

                     Chalkboard Pillow Cover                                         White Tree Scarf

                          Sparkle Sequin Pillow Cover                                 Gold Sequin Scarf

All the pillows are from the most fabulous West Elm! Probably my favorite store right now. Go check their sight out if you haven't already!

Don't forget to stop back on Monday for a Giveaway!!! I will be celebrating my new blog design by giving away some fabulous bags designed by Barb!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Boys Bedroom-Striped Walls Update

A couple of weeks ago I posted about a friend that was updating her son's room with striped walls. Well...she has started the process and sent me a few updated pics for all of you to see.

Here are the before pics of the bedroom:

Here is the progress so far:

Looks great so far doesn't it? I think those lines are as straight as can be.
Can't wait to see the finished product!

Thanks Staci for the update!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Getaway-Kiawah Island

As you might have noticed, I didn't post for a few days last week. I decided to take a blog break while we went on a family vacation to Kiawah Island.

We enjoyed a little family time while celebrating my 30th and my Uncle Greg’s 60th Birthday!

Kiawah Island is off of the coast of South Carolina and only 30 minutes from Historic Charleston. Kiawah is a private island with 10 miles of beach and dunes. We enjoyed long bike rides, picking spanish moss, walks on the beach, golfing and observing nature (aka: Alligators).

It was a wonderfully relaxing time. I even got to spend time with my little nephew who enjoyed playing in the sand and splashing in the ocean.

 It was a perfect time of year to hit the beach! Low Heat...Low Humidity! PERFECT!

I also enjoyed walking up and down the beach looking at the magnificent architecture of these Kiawah Homes:

Aren't they just fabulous! I wouldn't mind owning one of these myself!....too bad they aren't in the Hub's budget! HA!

It was a fantastic trip. Spending time with family.....priceless!
Back to the grind this week. At least today is Hump Day!(Wednesday)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Decorating Inspiration

I always deliver what I promise! Hehe! As I promised yesterday…Giving you a few Fall Decorating ideas is just the ticket! This cooler weather really has gotten me in the Fall mood and when you get me in that mood… is time for Fall decorations!

Each year I seem to decorate differently around my home. I get bored with the same decorations and ideas from year to year. I have not had time to really start decorating this year, but have been decorating in my mind! Do you ever find yourself doing that?
I sure do!

Here are some great Fall ideas that I found on Pinterest: ENJOY!

Loving those white pumpkins!

Great Lantern Idea for an outside space!

Gold painted pumpkins and gourds! LOVE!

Can't go wrong with decorating with candy corn! So Cheap!

Candle Sticks gone FALL!

I am so getting me some White pumpkins this year!

Spooky Staircase

Fall Mantel Ideas:

Fall Vinettes:

Fall Wreaths:

Fall Place Settings: 

That was a lot of Fall Eye Candy! I sure feel inspired....and behind! How about you? What idea is your favorite? What do you think you might try this Fall season??

Amy ©

Monday, September 19, 2011

DIY-Side Table Makeover

Okay, on to today's post!....this weekend's DIY project was very rewarding. This past July I was visiting both sets of parents in NY. Like always, I was on a hunt for some items I could use in my own home. I went to some boutiques and stores with the moms, but didn't want to spend a fortune on the items I did find. Next, it was a hunt around the parents homes!

Look what I found in my parents attic!......

My dad said that he bought it at a yard sale for like $5.00. I told him I would pay him $10! HA! He just gave it to me instead. SCORE!

So my thought was to use this one as a side table in my Master Bedroom Makeover. The rest of the trip I was on a hunt for a second side table for the Hubs side of the bed. I needed something a little smaller and preferably with a drawer to hide all his CRAP stuff he leaves on our current side table.

My mother-in-law went with me to the flea market and to a couple of shops, but no such luck. I told her that I wanted a table like the one she had on her screened in porch. (which was cute and had 2 small drawers) She told me that I could just have hers because she didn't use it much and didn't want the hassle of keeping up with the painting every couple of years. So she insisted that I have the little beauty.

So needless to say, I made out with two awesome FREE side tables for the bedroom. Not too shabby huh?

This weekend was the weekend to finally make these tables GRAND!

First, I took the drawer pulls off of the one side table and gave it a good wipe down with mild soap and water.

Then, I used a liquid sander to get all of the access paint and stain off of both tables. It worked quite well and it even gave the tables a little roughing up so that the new paint would be able to stick well.

Next, it was time to start painting! I used a High gloss white spray paint from Home Depot. I sprayed one coat on each table and let it set over night.

The next morning, I use a 400 grit sand paper to sand down the top where the spray paint wasn't even. I wiped the dust off and sprayed a second coat of the glossy white spray paint. This time I only waited a couple of hours and then went back over a few rough spots with 400 grit sand paper.

That night, I gave each table a finished look by applying Clear-High Lustre Coating Spray Paint. I also gave the new drawer pulls a little makeover.....they were shiny gold before.

And the finished product........TABLE 1!!!!

And for TABLE 2!!!!........

And Of Course a little BEFORE AND AFTER



What do you think of the transformation?
I am totally pumped to have another item checked off the Master Bedroom Makeover List!

What DIY projects did you accomplish this weekend? Any of them blogworthy? Send me some pictures!

Come back tomorrow for some great Fall Decorating Ideas!

Amy ©

Wayward Weekend
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